March 23
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the 2nd meeting (2021).

March 22
Preparatory Research Meeting: "Research on Moderate Islam in the Non-Arab World: From the Cases of Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey" was held as follows:

March 18
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the KIAS-SIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2022.

Decmber 4
Announcement of the online symposium "Five Perspectives to Understand the Modern Middle East"
November 12-December 20
The Center for Islamic Studies (SIAS) at Sophia University and the Center for Islamic Area Studies (KIAS) at Kyoto University will deliver four (+ one) lectures entitled "Sufism Today: Understanding Different Aspects of Mysticism" online as part of Sophia Open Research Weeks 2021 (from Friday, November 12 to Monday, December 20, 2021(in Japanese).

October 1-2
IMS (Institute for Mediterranean Studies,Busan University of Foreign Studies) and AFOMEDI (Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes) held the 2021 International Mediterranean Conference “Civilization Exchange in the Central Mediterranean & Renaissance”as follows...

August 24
Announcement of the Online Joint Seminar of Center for Islamic Area Studies (KIAS) and Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies

May 22
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the 1st meeting (2021).
March 19
"KIAS Bulletin" vol. 14 was issued (March 2021)

February 19
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar-II- as follows....
February 10
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies " at Kyoto University has organized three groups (Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group, Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group, Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group). Each conducted research activities.
The above three groups jointly held a "3-Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct the following research presentations by each group on Wednesday, February 10.
February 5
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar-I- as follows....
February 4
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University (Islamic Moderate Trend RG) held a research meeting on "Islamic Law" as follows...
January 28
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University (Islamic Moderate Trend RG) held a research meeting "What is Salafism?" as follows...
January 11
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the 3rd meeting (2020).
January 9
Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Ritsumeikan University and KIAS held the symposium "The New Horizon with Corona Era Challenge of Middle East Islamic Research" as follows...
December 20
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the 2nd meeting (2020).
October 31
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the meeting.
October 27
The 5th Research Meeting on Coexistence in the Islamic World was held.
September 18
IMS (Institute for Mediterranean Studies,Busan University of Foreign Studies) and Mediterranean Institute (University of Malta) held the 2020 International Mediterranean Conference “Exchanges, Conflicts and Coexistence in Central Mediterranean”
September 16
The 4th Research Meeting on Coexistence in the Islamic World was held
August 25
The 3rd Research Meeting on Coexistence in the Islamic World was held
July 12
The 2nd JFE/Mitsubishi Foundation Meeting was held
March 24
"KIAS Bulletin" vol. 13 was issued (March 2020)

November 18
KIAS-KINDAS 1st International Seminar was held on Monday, November 18th, 2019.
October 28
Announcement of the KIAS-KR Workshop: Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in the East and the West
October 14-15
The Center for Hadhari Islamic Civilizational Studies at Kyoto University; the Institute of Islam Hadhari at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) held the 10th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization and Science 2019 (10th ISICAS 2019).
September 24-25
Announcement of the 13th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance: New Horizons in Islamic Economics.
September 25
Announcement of Special Lecture "Transmission of Spiritual Knowledge from Arabia to Northwest China: Ma Laichi Abu al-Futuh al-Sini and his Huasi Menhuan Sufi Order".
July 28
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the meeting on "Sufism, Tariqah and Saint Veneration in Senegal".
July 7
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the 1st meeting (2019) on July 7.
July 5
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
This time, 14th lecture, we invite Prof. KOMATSU Hisao to look back on his past research life by giving a lecture entitled "View from Central Asia."
March 25
"KIAS Bulletin" vol. 12 was issued (March 2019)

March 17
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a research meeting on tariqa.
March 13
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University hosted a special seminar entitled "Sufism and Yoga" with Profs. Carl Ernst, Fabrizio Speziale, and Somdev Vasudeva.
March 2
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2019 "Sufism, Sufi Orders and Saints from the Middle East to Asia" as follows....
February 10
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
December 23
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University heldthe International symposium on the 2nd Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes (AFOMEDI).
December 15-17
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
December 11
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University hosted a Special Seminar entitled "Journeys among the Living Dead of Tabriz: A Sufi Shrine Guide from the Sixteenth Century" by Professor Shahzad Bashir.
December 10-11
Hadhari-KU held the Kyoto University International Symposium: Japan-Malaysia Initiatives on New Asian-Islamic Civilizational Paradigm in conjunction with the 9th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization and Science (ISICAS 2018), International Sustainable Technology, Energy and Civilization Conference (ISTECC 2018) and Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) Workshop on Asian-Islamic Civilization.
December 6
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University hosted a Special Seminar entitled "From Sufi Establishment to Salafi Reform: Reflections on Writing a History of Sufism" by Professor Nile Green.
December 4
The 2nd KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar in 2018 was held on December 4 (Tuesday).
December 1-2
Announcement of International Workshop on Chinese Muslims entitled "Redrawing and Straddling Borders: Chinese Muslims in Trans-national Fields and Multi-linguistic Literatures"
November 16
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS "Cross-Regional Study of Public Morality, Violence and Ruling Authority in Modern Muslim Society" (Principal Investigator: TAKAO Kenichiro) and 'Transitions of Islam and Democracy': Engendering Democratic Learning and Civic Identities' NPRP award [NPRP9 309-5-041] held the International Workshop on the Current Political Thoughts and Systems in the Middle East.
November 9
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
This time, 13th lecture, we invite Prof. KATO Hiroshi to look back on his past research life by giving a lecture entitled "Islam for Materialist."
August 24
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
July 24-25
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK, held the 12th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance: New Horizons in Islamic Economics and Finance, 24th-25th July 2018.
July 10
The 1st KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar on 2018 was held on July 10 (Tuesday).
June 28
Announcement of the 2nd Japan-Malaysia Forum on Islamic Ethics, Economics and Governance.
June 16
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 5th meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies).
February 28
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 4th meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies).
February 24
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Institute for Mediterranean Studies at Busan University of Foreign Studies (IMS), held seventh joint seminar.
February 13
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University has organized three groups (Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group, Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group, Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group) and each conducted research activities.
The above three groups jointly held a "3-Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct the following research presentations by each group on Tuesday, February 13...
January 21-22
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2018 “Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Other Related Subjects Including Graduate Student Presentations” as follows...
January 21
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 3rd meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies).
December 26
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 2nd meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies).
December 23
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS, "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex" (Principal Investigator: TONAGA Yasushi) held the following meeting with the cooperation of Group 1 (Ulama - Sufi Research Group) of KIAS.
December 17
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University and Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies invited Dr. Jonathan A.C. Brown, Associate Professor of Georgetown University Diplomatic College, and held a workshop at Doshisha University.
Dr. Jonathan Brown is a prominent researcher who has published many excellent articles on Hadith research.
December 10
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University and Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies invited Dr. Jonathan A.C. Brown, Associate Professor of Georgetown University Diplomatic College, and held a lecture at Doshisha University.
December 9
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (Principal Investigator: KOSUGI Yasushi) and Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group (Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University) held the following meeting.
December 2
NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East held the Joint Mini Symposium "Contemporary Middle East from the Perspective of Multiple Resources" organized by Five Centers of the project.
November 11
I-MAZAR: Joint Research for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held 2nd seminar for the Anthropology and History Research Group at KKR Chitosesou Izu Nagaoka.
November 5
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 1st meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies).
September 27
Announcement of the 11th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance: New Horizons in Islamic Economics.
July 23
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held 1st meeting on July 23.
July 12
The 2nd KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar in 2018 was held on July 12th.
July 8
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (Principal Investigator: KOSUGI Yasushi) and Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group (Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University) held a meeting as follows.
June 23
We held the KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar on June 23. This time, our distinguished guest Prof. Taberez Ahmed Neyaziis will speak on Deoband Academy (Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband), which is regarded as "Azhar Academy" in South Asia.
May 27
Prof. Kagaya Hiroshi received the "Prince Mikasa Academic Award"

May 20-21
The Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University held the first international symposium "Islamic Studies and the Study of Sufism in Academia: Rethinking Methodologies"at Main Conference Room, 3rd floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University.
May 16
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
This time, 12th lecture, we invite Prof. SUZUKI Tadashi to look back on his past research life by giving a lecture entitled "My Reminiscence of Studies in Ottoman History: A Stage of the Way to My Comparative History."
March 25
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University held the SIAS-KIAS Joint Workshop "Ideals and Actualities in the Islamic and Christian World" with the cooperation of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS, "Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World" (Principal Investigator: AKAHORI Masayuki) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS, "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex" (Principal Investigator: TONAGA Yasushi) as follows.
March 4
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University has organized three groups (Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group, Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group, Group 3: Islamic Economic ResearchGroup). Each has conducted research activities.
The above three groups jointly held a "3-Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct the following research presentations by each group on March 4.
February 6
As a part of an international exchange, KIAS has continued academic exchanges with the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies. Recently (2016), in the process of developing this exchange, the Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes was formed.
January 14
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS, "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex" (Principal Investigator: TONAGA Yasushi) invited Dr. Thierry Di Costanzo and held a lecture on January 14 (Sat.) as follows.
November 19
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (Principal Investigator: KOSUGI Yasushi) and Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group (Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University) held a meeting as follows.
October 24-25
The 7th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization, and Science and Development. This workshop was held under the auspices of Center for Hadhari Islamic Civilizational Studies at Kyoto University, Institute of Islam Hadhari at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (JSPS, Kyoto University) and Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU), scheduled as follows.
October 11
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) held the seminar "The Diversity of Indonesian Islamic Manuscripts" by Dr. Oman Fathurahman. The details are as follows.
July 9
I-MAZAR: Joint Research for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held its first meeting on Saturday, July 9.
April 28
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) invited Dr. Ahmad Najib BURHANI from Indonesia and held a lecture as part of the NIHU core research project "Modern Middle East Studies" that began in April, as follows.
February 16
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) held the Fifth Joint Seminar of KIAS/ASAFAS/IMS, "Area Studies and Area Informatics in the Mediterranean World."
February 10
WIAS and KIAS held a seminar featuring visiting Ayatollah Amir Seyyed Hasan Etemadi on February 10th (Wed) 2016 at Kyoto University main campus, research building #2. This event is co-sponsored by a JSPS research project (Keiko Sakurai, Director).
February 6
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
For the 11th lecture, we invited Prof. MIYAJI Mieko to look back on her past research life by giving a lecture entitled "Maghrib Study and Cultural Anthropology: From Encounters with Women."
February 5
Center for NIHU Program "Islamic Area Studies" at Kyoto University held a "3- Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct research presentations by each group on February 5 as follows.
February 1
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and IAS Center at Sophia University (SIAS) held the Third SIAS/KIAS-CNRS International Joint Seminar, "TRADITION AND TRANSFORMATION IN THE PAST AND PRESENT."
January 31
The Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and IAS Center at Sophia University (SIAS) held the third SIAS/KIAS-CNRS International Joint Seminar "Sufism, Saint Veneration and Tariqa Movements in the Islamic World."

March 23
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the 2nd meeting (2021).
Date: March 23th, 2022 (Wed.), 14:00-18:00
Through online
Language: Japanese
Part 1 Research Presentation
14:00-14:15 Explanation of the aim of the seminar, Self-introduction by participants
14:15-15:45 Presentation 1(15:15-15:45 Q and A)
HARA Rikuro (Ph.D. Student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University) "'Hanbali Sufism' in Damascus in the 13th-14th centuries: From the Case of Ibn Qayyim Jawziya
Part 2 Joint Review
Outline of the Book "Our / Their Religion and Music: Cultural Inheritance of Religious Minority from Turkey('Alevi')" (SUZUKI Manami)
16:20-17:20 Comments by Reviewers (15 minutes each)
Comment 1: TONAGA Yasushi (From the Viewpoint of Islamic Thought Research)
Comment 2: IMAMATSU Yasushi (From the Viewpoint of Turkish Sufism Research)
Comment 3: WAKAMATSU Daiki (From the Viewpoint of Turkish Alevi Research)
Comment 4: YONEYAMA Tomoko (From the Viewpoint of Music Research)
17:20-18:00 Q and A
This meeting was co-hosted by
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: TONAGA Yasushi, Kyoto University)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: AKAHORI Masayuki, Sophia University)
March 22
Preparatory Research Meeting: "Research on Moderate Islam in the Non-Arab World: From the Cases of Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey" was held as follows:
Date: March 22, 2022 (Tue.) 14:00 - 16:00
(Zoom meeting)
TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto University) "Explanation of the Aim of 'The Study of Moderate Islam in Non-Arab'"
YAMANE So (Osaka University) "The Qualities of Pakistani Politician and Sufism"
ARAI Kazuhiro (Keio University) "Indonesian Islam and Sufism: From the Relationship with 'Islam Nusantara'"
Idiris Danismaz (Kyoto University) "Reconciliation or Friction between State and Sufism: The History and Prospects of the Studies on 'Turkish Islamic Synthesis'"
March 18
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the KIAS-SIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2022.
Date: March 18, 2022 (Fri.) 18:00 - 20:15 (Jp) 10:00 - 12:15 AM (Fr)
(Zoom meeting)
18:00-18:05 (Jp) 10:00-10:05 AM (Fr)
Opening: Idiris Danismaz (Kyoto Univ.)
Session 1 18:05- 19:05 (Jp) 10:05-11:05 AM (Fr)
18:05-18:35 (Jp) 10:05-10:35 AM (Fr)
Azusa Fujimoto (Kyoto Univ.)
"Sufi Psychotherapy in Turkey: The Potentiality of Sufism in the Psychiatric Field"
Chair: Yasushi Tonaga (Kyoto Univ.)
18:35-19:05 (Jp) 10:35-11:05 AM (Fr)
"Sufism in the Süleymanci Movement"
Chair: Kei Takahashi (Toyo Univ.)
19:05-19:10 (Jp) 11:05-11:10 AM (Fr)
Session 1 19:10- 20:10 (Jp) 11:10-12:10 AM (Fr)
19:10-19:40 (Jp) 11:10-11:40 AM (Fr)
"The Ahmad Yasavi Shrine and the Transformation of Turkestan into the 'Spiritual Capital of the Turkic World'"
Chair: Masayuki Akahori (Sophia Univ.)
19:40-20:10 (Jp)11:40-12:10 PM (Fr)
Hara Rikuo (Kyoto Univ.)
"Hanbali Sufism in Damascus: The Case of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya"
Chair: Thierry Zarcone (CNRS)
20:10-20:15 (Jp) 12:10-12:15 PM (Fr)
Closing: Alexandre Papas (CNRS-CETOBaC)
This seminar was co-hosted by:
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR)
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism-Tariqa-Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: TONAGA Yasushi, Kyoto University)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: AKAHORI Masayuki, Sophia University)
Decmber 4
Announcement of the online symposium "Five Perspectives to Understand the Modern Middle East"
All research centers of the NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East will jointly hold an online symposium entitled "Five Perspectives to Understand the Modern Middle East" on Saturday, Decmber 4, 2021 (in Japanese)
Date: Decmber 4, 2021 (Sat.), 13:30-17:30 (online: Zoom Webinar) (Reservation Required)
To make a reservation, please register through the linked form.
For more information, please visit
November 12-December 20
The Center for Islamic Studies (SIAS) at Sophia University and the Center for Islamic Area Studies (KIAS) at Kyoto University will deliver four (+ one) lectures entitled "Sufism Today: Understanding Different Aspects of Mysticism" online as part of Sophia Open Research Weeks 2021 (from Friday, November 12 to Monday, December 20, 2021(in Japanese).

Online Delivery: November 12 (Fri)-December 20 (Mon)
#0. November 12 (Fri)-22 (Mon)
Tonaga Yasushi (Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
"What is Sufism? Mysticism, Ethics and Popular Belief"
#1. November 19 (Fri)-29 (Mon)
Idiris Danismaz (Visiting Associate Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
"Helping God’s Creatures for the Sake of Love with Him: Philosophy and Practice of Social Relief in Sufism"
#2. November 26 (Fri)-December 6 (Mon)
Fujii Chiaki (JSPS Research Fellow (RPD))
"Sufism in Society: The Case of the East African Coast"
#3. December 3 (Fri)-13 (Mon)
Maruyama Daisuke (Associate Professor, National Defense Academy)
"Tolerance and Intolerance in Contemporary Sufism: The Complicated Relationship with Politics in Sudan"
#4. December 10 (Fri)-20 (Mon)
Ninomiya Ayako (Professor, The College of Literature, Aoyama Gakuin University)
"Image of Sufism and 'Coexistence' in the Republic of India: Cases from AIUMB and World Sufi Forum 2016"
For more information, please visit
This lectures was supported by "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East", Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: TONAGA Yasushi, Kyoto University)[JP16H01904],Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: AKAHORI Masayuki, Sophia University)[JP19H00564] and "Histories and Current Situations of Interreligious Relations in Asia and Africa" (Joint Research Program, Sophia University)
October 1-2
IMS (Institute for Mediterranean Studies,Busan University of Foreign Studies) and AFOMEDI (Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes) held the 2021 International Mediterranean Conference “Civilization Exchange in the Central Mediterranean & Renaissance”as follows...
2021 International Mediterranean Conference
Civilization Exchange in the Central Mediterranean & Renaissance
Host : IMS (Institute for Mediterranean Studies,Busan University of Foreign Studies), AFOMEDI (Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes)
Support : Korea Reseach Foundation, Busan University of Foreign Studies
Date : 1(Fri.) - 2(Sat.) Octobe, 2021
1 (Fri.)
Conference 1 (09:30 - 13:00)
Session 1 Civilizational Exchange in the Mediterranean & Renaissance (Chairman: Lim, Gi Dae|)
09:30-10:00 Kim, Cha Gyu (Myongji Univ.) Understanding of Byzantine Cultural influx in the Renaissance Period (KOR) [Zoom]
10:00-10:30 Kim, Yun Gu (Myongji Univ.) The Renaissance as a Shift in Thinking (KOR) [Zoom]
10:30-11:00 Kim, Jeoung Myoung (Myongji Univ.) Study of Ancient Egypt in Medieval Islamic World and Renaissance in Europe Period (KOR)
11:00-11:30 Kim, Jung Ha (BUFS) Renaissance of Civilization Exchange in Medieval Central Mediterranean (KOR)
11:30-12:00 Discussion
Session 2 Sicily and the Islamic World (Chairman: Cha, Yeong Gil)
09:30-10:00 Kim, Kwang Su (HUFS) The Central Saharan Trade Route and the development of Kanem-Bornu civilization (KOR)
10:00-10:30 Yang, Min Ji (BUFS) Ottoman Empire-Sicily Civilizational Exchange-Focused on the migration and settlement in Ottoman Empire of Sicilian Jews (KOR)
10:30-11:00 Hwang, Byeong Ha (Chosun Univ.) Fatimid Dynasty’s Religious Policy in North Africa and Sicily (KOR)
11:00-11:30 Liang, Yuen-Gen (Academia Sinica) Tunis: Renaissance Portrayals of an Islamic City (ENG) [Zoom]
11:30-12:00 Discussion
Official Ceremony (Moderator: Yang, Min Ji)
13:00-13:10 Yoon, Yong Soo (Director, IMS) Opening Speech
13:10-13:30 Tonaga Yasushi (Director,AFOMEDI,Kyoto Univ.) Complimentary Address [Zoom]
13:30-14:00 Cha, Yeong Gil (Gyeonsang Nat'l Univ.) Keynote Speech: Proto-Renaissance bloomed in the Mediterranean Sea - on the foundation of the Italian Renaissance in the 14th and 15th centruies -
Conference 2 (14:00 - 16:30)
Session 1 Mediterranean Migration and Economic Environment (Chairman: Sebastian Muller)
14:00-14:30 Kim, Hyeon zoo (Dankook Univ.) Identity of Marseille as Mediterranean city of immigrants (KOR)
14:30-15:00 Noriko Sato (Pukyong Nat'l Univ.) Music Activities of Syrian Refugees in the UK: Primordial Sentiments and Social Integration (ENG)
15:00-15:30 Nilly Kamal Elamir (Independent Researcher) The Developmental Impact of the Environmental Cooperation in the Central Mediterranean Region (ENG) [Zoom]
15:30-16:00 Song, Sang Hyun (Dankook Univ.) Jihadism in Tunisia and Its Limitations (KOR)
16:00-16:30 Discussion
Session 2 Cultural Exchange of Central Mediterranean (Chairman: Yang, Min Ji)
14:00-14:30 Woo Deok Chan (BUFS) Ottoman-Spanish Relations in the 16th Century: Focused on Economic-Commercial Relations (KOR) [Zoom]
14:30-15:00 M.Gamal (Australian Federal Government) Alexandria as a meeting point of Civilisational Exchange (ENG) [Zoom]
15:00-15:30 Oscar Aguirre Mandujano (Univ. of Pennsylvania) Imperial Diction: Language and Politics in a Mediterranean Exchange (ENG) [Zoom]
15:30-16:00 Lee, Jong Hwa (Myongji Univ.) Sicily as crossway of civilization (KOR)
16:00-16:30 Discussion
Conference 3 (16:40 - 18:30)
Session 1 Next Generation Researcher (Chairman: Mona Farouk)
16:40-17:10 Jin, So Young (BUFS) Sufism in Central Mediterranean and its effects -focus on tariqa Tijaniyyah- (ENG)
17:10-17:40 Elena Cardona (Malta Univ.) The 'idyllic gate further south': the dialectics of loss in Raja Shehadeh's life writing (ENG) [Zoom]
17:40-18:10 Marzie Mozafari (BUFS) The Status of Inheritance of the Coptic minority women in Egypt (ENG)
18:10-18:30 Discussion
2 (Sat.)
Conference 1 (10:00 - 12:00) Andalusia and Mediterranean Civilization (Chairman: Kwon, Mi Ran)
10:00-10:30 Song No (Purdue Univ.) Francesco Guicciardini’s Influence on Spain and the New World (ENG) [Zoom]
10:30-11:00 M.H. Mozafari (BUFS) Andalusian and Sicilian Rationalism, Underlying the European Rationalism and the Renaissance (ENG)
11:00-11:30 Lim, Gi Dae (BUFS) The Role and Implication of ‘Kutama’ of Berber in the process of Islamization of Sicily (KOR)
11:30-12:00 Discussion
Conference 2 (13:00 - 16:00) Life Culture of Central Mediterranean (Chairman : Kim, Hee Jung)
13:00-13:30 Heo, Yu Hoe (BUFS) Youth Drinking in Italy and Familism (KOR)
13:30-14:00 Ra, Young soon (Yonsei Univ.) Marzapane, Product of Mediterranean cultural exchange (KOR)
14:00-14:30 Motahare Mozafari (BUFS) A Study of Albert Camus' view on the meaning of life by referring to his novel "The Plague" (ENG)
14:30-15:00 Sebastian Muller (BUFS) Intercultural Encounters in Ancient Sicily (ENG)
15:00-15:30 Faysal Cherif (Manouba Univ.) The historical interactions between Tunisia and Italy and its architectural and anthropological traces today (ENG) [Zoom]
15:30-16:00 Discussion
Closing Ceremony (16:00-17:00) Moderator: Lim, Gi Dae
For more information, please visit http://ims.or.kr/icims.html (IMS HP).
August 24
You are cordially invited to the Online Joint Seminar of Center for Islamic Area Studies (KIAS) and Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies.
Date: 24 August 2021, Tue, 12:00-18:20 (Zoom meeting)
12:00-13:00 Opening Session and Keynote Speech (Moderator: Dr. Motahare Mozafari)
Prof. Yoon Yong Su (Director of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies), "Opening Remarks"
Prof. Tonaga Yasushi (Director of Center for Islamic Area Studies), "Congratulatory Remarks"
Prof. S. M. Azizuddin Husain (Ex. Head of Department of History and Culture, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi, India), Keynote speaker: "A Comparison of Indian and Mediterranean Sufism"
Session 1: Sufism in the Mediterranean (Moderator: Prof. Tonaga Yasushi)
13:00-13:30 Mona Farouk (Professor at IMS), "Sufi among Muslim Sects in Egypt
13:30-14:00 Madono Kotoko (Current Ph. D of Area Studies, Kyoto University), "The Circular Model of Existence Reflected on Writings of the Akbarian Sufis in the Ottoman Empire"
14:00-14:30 Marziye Mozafari (Ph.D. Candidate at BUFS), "Ibn Qasi a Political Sufi" 14:30-15:00 Hara Rikuo (Current Master of Area Studies, Kyoto University), "Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya's Criticism toward Ibn al-`Arif"
15:00-15:30 Q&A
Session 2: Islamic Culture (Moderator: Prof. Sebastian Mueller)
15:40-16:10 Suzuki Manami (Researcher at Kyoto University), "Folk Song and Islamic Ritual Music: Sorrow of Mersiye in Alevi-Bektaşi"
16:10-16:40 Minji Yang (HK Assistant Professor IMS), "Reflection of Sufism in Korean Islamic Studies"
16:40-17:10 Tanahashi Yukari (Research Fellow and Ph.D. Student at Kyoto University), "An Attempt to Use Arabic OCR Process on Maghrebi Script"
17:10-17:40 Jisu Kim (HK Research Assistant at BUFS) "Practical Adaption of Traditional Islamic Law to Modern Halal Food Industry"
17:40-18:10 Q&A
18:10-18:20 Closing Dr. Motahare Mozafari
May 22
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the 1st meeting (2021).
Date: May 22, 2021 (Sat.) 18:00-19:30, (Zoom meeting)
9:45-11:15 Presentation 1 (10:45-11:15 Q & A) Chair: WAZAKI Seika(Chubu University)
SUZUKI Manami(Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University)
The Image of the Saint in Islamic Music: The View of Imam Hussein in the "Mourning" of the Alevî Ritual
11:20-12:50 Presentation 2 (12:20-12:50 Q & A)
HOMMA Ryusei (ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Attempt to Elucidate the Ibn Arabi School in South Asia: Considerations on the Position of Ashraf `Alī Thānavī
This meeting was co-hosted by
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: TONAGA Yasushi, Kyoto University)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: AKAHORI Masayuki, Sophia University)
February 19
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar-II- as follows....
[Date and time] February 5, 2021 (Friday) 18:00-20:00 (online)
Chair: Alexandre PAPAS (CNRS, France)
HOMMA Ryusei (Kyoto Un)
“Traditionalist `Ulamā and Sufism in Colonial South Asia: Ashraf `Alī Thānavī’s Conception of Waḥda al-Wujūd and his Logic of Defending Ibn `Arabī”
“Sufi Ritual of Bay`a at the Dargah of Chishtiyya `Ubaydiyya Silsila in Multan, Pakistan”
HARA Rikuro (Kyoto Un.)
“Ḥanbalī School and Sufism: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzīya and His Time”
Closing Remarks: TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto Un.)
February 10
Announcement of "3-Group Joint Research Meeting"
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies " at Kyoto University has organized three groups (Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group, Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group, Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group). Each conducted research activities.
The above three groups jointly held a "3-Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct the following research presentations by each group on Wednesday, February 10.
Date: 10 February 2021 (Wed.), 16:30-17:40 (online)
14:30-14:35 Opning Remarks
14:35-15:35 Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group
MATSUDA Kazunori (Kyoto University)
Communal Conflict and Religious Books: On the Satire of the Prophet Muhammad in the 1920s
15:35-16:35 Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group
KURODA Ayaka (Asia-Japan Research Institute, Ritsumeikan University)
Islamic Thought in America: Between "9.11" and "Arab Spring" (tentative)
16:35-17:35 Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group
ADACHI Mari (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University)
Development of Income Zakat Concept: Consideration for Comparison between Indonesia and Malaysia
This workshop will be held with the cooperation of the following projects.
Center for NIHU Program " Modern Middle East Studies " at Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Resurgent Islamic Jurisprudence and New Trends in Politics and Economics in Contemporary Islam: The Main Stream Confronting the Extreme (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Restoration and Developmental Reconstruction of Early Norm Theory in New Practices of Islamic Finance (Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), JSPS)
February 5
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar-I- as follows....
[Date and time] February 5, 2021 (Friday) 18:00-20:00 (online)
Chair: AKAHORI Masayuki
Opening Remarks: Thierry ZARCONE
Ayse AKYÜREK (EPHE, France)
“A New Category of Tariqa in Turkey: The Case of Neo-Mevleviye”
TANAHASHI Yukari (Kyoto Un.)
“Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Jazūlī's View on Sainthood: Analysis on Kitāb fī al-Zuhd”
Samuel VERLEY (EPHE, France)
“The Hills of Khidr on the Black Sea (Turkey): Historical Perspectives on Rituals and Symbolism”
February 4
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University (Islamic Moderate Trend RG) held a research meeting on "Islamic Law" as follows...
[Date and time] February 4, 2021 (Thursday) 17:00-19:00 (online)
17:00-18:00 Ken Miichi (Waseda University)
"Political Research on Gender in Indonesia"
18:00-19:00 Yasushi Kosugi (Ritsumeikan University)
"What is Islamic Sexual Ethics: from Shariah's Rechtsgut (maqasid)"
January 28
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University (Islamic Moderate Trend RG) held a research meeting "What is Salafism?" as follows...
[Date and time] January 28, 2021 (Thursday) 17:30-19:30 (online)
17:30-18:30 Yusaku Yoneda (Ritsumeikan University)
"Salafism in Contemporary Egypt: Historical Overview and Ideological Characteristics from the Viewpoint of Connections with Gulf Countries"
18:30-19:30 Yasushi Kosugi (Ritsumeikan University)
"Names and genealogy of Salaf and Salafism"
January 11
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the meeting.
Date: January 11, 2021 (Mon.) 18:00-19:30, (Zoom meeting)
YAMAGUCHI Takumi(The University of Tokyo/Japanese Embassy in Morocco)“A Study of Organizational Theory of What Have Sufi Character in the Contemporary Morocco: Through the Case of “Sufi Scene” around Meknes”
This meeting was co-hosted by
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: TONAGA Yasushi, Kyoto University)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: AKAHORI Masayuki, Sophia University)
January 9
Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Ritsumeikan University and KIAS held the symposium "The New Horizon with Corona Era Challenge of Middle East Islamic Research" as follows...
[date and time] January 9, 2021 (Sat) 13:00 - 17:00 (ONLINE)
For more information, please visit http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/page.jsp?id=479945 (AJI, Ritsumeikan HP).
December 20
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the meeting.
Date: December 20, 2020 (Sun.) 14:00-17:00, (Zoom meeting)
NAKANISHI Tatsuya(Kyoto Univeristy) “Some Theoretical Proposals about the Refinement of ‘Three-axis Framework of
Sufism’: From the Viewpoint of China”
TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto University) “Three-dimention Theory of Sufism”
This meeting was co-hosted by
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: TONAGA Yasushi, Kyoto University)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS: AKAHORI Masayuki, Sophia University)
October 31
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the meeting.
Date: October 31, 2020 (Sat.) 13:00-16:00, (Zoom meeting)
SAWAI Makoto (Oyasato Instiute for the Study of Religion, Tenri University) "The Search for Human Existence in the Study of Mysticism in Islam"
NINOMIYA Ayako (Aoyama Gakuin University) "Tariqa Analysis Using the Concept of Cultural Capital"
YASUDA Shin (Takasaki City University of Economics) "Consumed Saints: Thinking about Pilgrimage and Worship in Tourism"
This meeting was held in cooperation with
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Histories and Current Circumstances of Interreligious Relations in Asia and Africa (Current Expense Subsidies for Private Universities, Collaborative Research in Cooperation with Universities)
October 27
The 5th Research Meeting on Coexistence in the Islamic World was held
【Date】October 27th (Tue.), 2020 13:00-16:00, (Zoom meeting)
【Speakers and titles】
UENO Takanori (ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“A Study of the ‘Coexistential’ Relationship between Government and Clergy in Pre-Colonial West Africa:Anecdotes of Communal Dining and Grace”
FUJII Chiaki (Kyoto University)
“Coexistence and Hostility over Tariqa in East Africa”
This seminar is sponsored by:
JFE 21st Century Foundation
The Mitsubishi Foundation
co-hosted by:
Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS)
Center for “NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East” at Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex” (JSPS, Kyoto University);
September 18
IMS (Institute for Mediterranean Studies,Busan University of Foreign Studies) and Mediterranean Institute (University of Malta) held the 2020 International Mediterranean Conference “Exchanges, Conflicts and Coexistence in Central Mediterranean”(co-sponsored by AFOMEDI (Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes)as follows...
2020 International Mediterranean Conference
Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies
Subject : Exchanges, Conflicts and Coexistence in the Central Mediterranean
City : Namwon, Jeollabuk-do
Place : Namwon OHEVDAY Hotel homepage
Country : Republic of Korea
Host : Institute for Mediterranean Studies(Busan University of Foreign Studies), Mediterranean Institute(Malta University)
Support : Korea Reseach Foundation, Busan University of Foreign Studies, OHEVDAY
Date : Sep. 17(Thur.) - Sep. 18(Fri), 2020
(Prof. Yasushi Tonaga, Director of KIAS, gave a lecture at Opening Ceremony.)
For more information, please visit http://ims.or.kr/icims.html (IMS HP).
September 16
The 4th Research Meeting on Coexistence in the Islamic World was held
【Date】September 16th (Wed.), 2020 13:00-15:00, (Zoom meeting)
【Speakers and titles】
YAMANE So(Osaka University)
“About Bulleh Shah, the Sufi Poet in 18th Century Punjab”
NINOMIYA Ayako (Aoyama Gakuin University)
“Image of Sufism and 'Coexistence'in India: From AIUMB and World Sufi Forum 2016”
This seminar is sponsored by:
JFE 21st Century Foundation
The Mitsubishi Foundation
co-hosted by:
Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS)
Center for “NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East” at Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex” (JSPS, Kyoto University);
August 25
The 3rd Research Meeting on Coexistence in the Islamic World was held
【Date】August 25th (Tue.), 2020 13:00-17:00, (Zoom meeting)
【Speakers and titles】
TONAGA Yasushi(Kyoto University)
“Challenge of Indonesian Sufism Seeking Coexistencial Society”
ARAI Kazuhiro(Keio University)
“‘Kafir’ and ‘Nation’: Arguments over Coexistence between Religions in Indonesia”
NAKANISHI Tatsuya(Kyoto University)
“Rethinking Islamic‘Chinalization’”
WAZAKI Seika(Chubu University)
“Sufism in Central Asia:Challenge to Coexistence in Jafr Ritual””
This seminar is sponsored by:
JFE 21st Century Foundation
The Mitsubishi Foundation
co-hosted by:
Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS)
Center for “NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East” at Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex” (JSPS, Kyoto University);
July 12
The 2nd JFE/Mitsubishi Foundation Meeting was held.
【Date】July 12th (Sun.), 2020 13:00-15:00, (Zoom meeting)
【Speakers and titles】
OKAI Hirofumi (Kyoai Gakuen University)
“Activities of Islamic Groups and “Multicultural Co-existence” Featuring Social Support by Religious Sectors”
NEJIMA Susumu (Toyo University)
“Co-existence in Modern Japan -From the Point of View of Agricultural Support in Fukushima, Universities and Mosques Intercommunion-”
This seminar is sponsored by:
JFE 21st Century Foundation
The Mitsubishi Foundation
co-hosted by:
Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS)
Center for “NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East” at Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex” (JSPS, Kyoto University);
November 18
Announcement of the KIAS-KINDAS 1st International Seminar, 2019
KIAS-KINDAS 1st International Seminar was held on Monday, November 18th, 2019.
Prof. Achin Vanaik (Former Professor of Delhi University) and Ms. Pamela Philipose (Public editor for thewire.in, Former editor of Indian Express) will give the talks.
【Date】Monday, November 18th 15: 00-18: 25
【Venue】Kyoto University, Yoshida Main (Hyakumanben) Campus, Research Building No.2, AA447
(https://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/campus_maps/ (Please see Hyakumanben Campus))
【Language】 English
15:00-15:10 Prof. Kazuya Nakamizo (Kyoto University) Welcome address
15:10-16:40 (45 minutes talk, 45 minutes discussion)
Prof. Achin Vanaik(Former Professor, Delhi University)
"Hindu nationalism and the rise of BJP"
16:55-18:25 (45 minutes talk, 45 minutes discussion)
Ms.Pamela Philipose(Public Editor for thewire.in and formerly of the Indian Express and former Director of theWomen's Feature Service)
"Politics and mediatisation in India"
October 28
Announcement of the KIAS-KR Workshop: Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in the East and the West
You are cordially invited to a special workshop entitled "Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in the East and the West: Perspectives and Institutions from Japan and Czech Republic".
Day and time: October 28 (Mon), 2019, 17:00-18:00
Venue: Kyoto University, Main Campus, Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Lecture Room (AA401)
1) Yasushi Tonaga, Director, Center for Islamic Area Studies & Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies (Kyoto University)
2) Ondrej Beranek, Director, the Oriental Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Language: English
Organized by:
Center for Islamic Area Studies Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
October 14-15
Announcement of the 10th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization, and Science
The Center for Hadhari Islamic Civilizational Studies at Kyoto University; the Institute of Islam Hadhari at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) held the 10th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization and Science 2019 (10th ISICAS 2019), in Bangi Resort Hotel, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.
More details can be found here.
September 24-25
Announcement of the 13th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance: New Horizons in Islamic Economics.
This workshop is held under the auspices of Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), Asia Japan Institute, Ritsumeikan University, Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK with the support of Kyoto University SPIRITS (Supporting Program for Interaction-based Initiative Team Studies) "Formation of an International Research Network for Creating the Post-Capitalist Society by Utilizing Islamic Economic Knowledge," Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Resurgent Islamic Jurisprudence and New Trends in Politics and Economics in Contemporary Islam: The Main Stream Confronting the Extreme," Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) "International Comparative Studies on Islamic Economic Practices after the Post Financial Capitalism."
Date: 12:00-18:45 on 24th, 10:00-18:30 on 25th September, 2019
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA447)
*Access Map for Yoshida Main Campus (No. 34)
*Access Map for Research Bldg. No. 2
Language: English
24th September 2019, Tuesday
12:00-12:15 Opening Remarks
Professor Yasushi Kosugi & Professor Mehmet Asutay
12:30-13:30 Session 1
Professor Mehmet Asutay
Re-constituting the Theory of Islamic Economics: The Moral Economy Turn
Professor Yasushi Kosugi
Hadith Studies Renewal Through Informatics and Resurgent Islamic Jurisprudence: How Can They Contribute to Contemporary Islamic Economic Thought?
14:00-16:30 Session 2
Dr. Etsuaki Yoshida
Islamic Digital Currency: Relevance and Significance of a Blockchain-based Economic System under Shariah
Yulia Putri Wasista
Adoption of Mobile Payment Services in Indonesia: Analysis of Determinant Factors and Effect of Religiosity of Muslim Consumers
Khaled Yusuf Abdulla Abulfath Ali Abulfateh
Do Fixed-income Investors Have DIversification Benefits by Investing in GCC Sukuk Market?
Muhammad Qareza Qualdi
The Behaviour and Attitude of Indonesian Islamic Banking's Depositor: Profit-Loss-Sharing Contract in Islamic Banks' Deposit
Ali Chamani Al-Anshory
Impact of Maqasid al-Shari’ah Performance of Islamic Banks on their Financial Performance
16:45-18:45 Session 3
Dr. Shin Yasuda
Changing the Capital Flow in the Name of Islamic Tourism: Challenge of Islamic Resort in Maldives
Midori Kirihara
Halal in Islamic Fiqh and Halal in Halal Certification System: Regal and Social Reflections
Dr. Ai Kawamura
Islamic Moral Economy in Tunisia without a "Legal System"
Mehmt Artik
Constitution of Islamic Value Theory Based on Islamic Moral Economy Axioms
25th September 2019, Wednesday
10:00-12:00 Session 4
Dr. Shinsuke Nagaoka
Islamic Finance in the Global History: Towards the Comparative Studies of the History of Interest
Banjaran Indrastromo
Intergenerational Dynamic on Islamic Economic Movement and its impact to Emergence and Evolution of Islamic Finance in Indonesia
Dr. Kentaro Kambara
Approach to Islamic Development: A Case Study of Ar-Rahnu in Malaysia
Yoshiki Kawamukai
The Evolution of Qard Hasan in Contemporary Iran: An Analysis from the Controversy over the Commission Fees
13:30-15:30 Session 5
Dr. Khashan Ammar
Mythological Inquiries in Utilization of Fiqh Resources for Historical and Contemporary of Waqf Studies: With Special References to Hanafi School
Dr. Nur Izzati Binti Mohamad Norzilan
The Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy: Socio-economic Impact of Waqf in Malaysia
Dr. Mari Adachi
Paradigm Shift of Zakat Distribution in Indonesia: From Consumptive to Productive
Dr. Noor Zahirah Binti Mohd Sidek
Zakat-linked Sukuk Index as Libor Replacement Contenders
15:45-17:45 Session 6
Dr. Fukiko Ikehata
Collective Islamic Legal Reasoning for Contemporary Economic Issues: A Case of Common Norm Creation in the Islamic World
Mayuko Yamamoto
Islam, Laicite, Public Space: On the emergence of the Muslim Private Schools in France
Aoi Mochizuki
"Refugee Crisis" in Europe: Syrian Refugee's Settlement and their Belongingness
Daiki Sumiyoshi
Rise of Islamic Economic Practices in Contemporary Turkey: A Case Study of Anatolian Tigers
18:00-18:30 Closing Remarks & End of the Programme
Professor Mehmet Asutay
If you can join us, please do send us an e-mail for registration (necessarily required).
September 25
Announcement of Special Lecture "Transmission of Spiritual Knowledge from Arabia to Northwest China: Ma Laichi Abu al-Futuh al-Sini and his Huasi Menhuan Sufi Order"
Special Lecture "Transmission of Spiritual Knowledge from Arabia to Northwest China: Ma Laichi Abu al-Futuh al-Sini and his Huasi Menhuan Sufi Order" was held on September 25.
This lecture is held under the joint auspices of Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University and Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, and scheduled as follows.
Dear all,
You are cordially invited to a Special Lecture entitled "Transmission of Spiritual Knowledge from Arabia to Northwest China: Ma Laichi Abu al-Futuh al-Sini and his Huasi Menhuan Sufi Order" by Dr. Florian Sobieroj, which will be followed by his explanation about "Project of Cataloguing Arabic Manuscripts [in Germany] (KOHD)."
Date & time: 25th September, 2019, 15:00 -17:00
Speaker: Dr. Florian Sobieroj (Institut für Orientalistik, Indogermanistik, Ur- und Frühgeschichtlicher Archäologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Title: "Transmission of Spiritual Knowledge from Arabia to Northwest China: Ma Laichi Abu al-Futuh al-Sini and his Huasi Menhuan Sufi Order"
Venue: Institute for Research in Humanities, the Main Building (1F Seminar Room), Research Bldg. No. 4, Kyoto University
Language: English
*Access Map for Yoshida Main Campus (No. 38)
*Access Map for Research Bldg. No. 4
Organized by:
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
TONAGA Yasushi (Director of Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Professor of Kyoto University)
NAKANISHI Tatsuya (Associate Professor of Kyoto University)
In one of the Sino-Arabic manuscripts in possession of the central convent of the Huasi Menhuan in Hezhou (Linxia, Gansu province), there is included a license which the Yemenite Sufi and hadith scholar Muhammad b. Ahmad b. `Aqila al-Makki al-Hanafi (d. 1150/1737) issued to the Chinese Sufi Ma Laichi 馬來遲 Abu al-Futuh `Abd al-Halim (1681-1766). The ijaza authorizes Ma Laichi to propagate Islam in China in the interpretation of the Naqshbandiyya Sufi order. The Arabic manuscript text confirms the claim of a transmission of spiritual knowledge from `Aqila to Laichi as is implied by inclusion of their names among the authorities mentioned in various liturgical texts used within the Tariqa al-Huasi. The proposed lecture will include a short discussion of the ijaza and it will also consider the other Sufi texts reported to have been transmitted by `Aqila to his Chinese disciple, entitled Minshar, Mawlud (Mawlid) and Awrad. Besides trying to identify the contents of the transmission, the main objective of this lecture is to show that the study of the rich legacy of Sino-Arabic manuscript culture can deepen our understanding of Chinese Sufism.
The outline of Ma Laichi's biography, constituting the backbone of this lecture, will be based mainly on the relevant chapter of Ma Tong's presentation of the Chinese Sufi orders and on a relevant article of Jianping Wang. For the examination of the scholarly networks in the Hijaz and South Arabia which `Aqila and, through him, Laichi took part in, I have made use of a small number of Arabic manuscripts of the Bavarian state library in Munich and I have drawn methodological inspiration from John Voll's study on 18th century revivalism in Islam. The biographical account will be supplemented by material taken from the hagiographical works of the Jahriyya Sufi order (K. al-Jahri, Manaqib; Rashahat) - in part published as facsimile manuscripts - which focuses on the relationship between the two Sufis, Ma Laichi and Ma Mingxin 馬明心. The controversy over the correct mode of performing the remembrance of God (dhikr), traditionally depicted as the stone of contention separating the two masters, will be touched upon in this context. Besides the written sources, the oral tradition of Ma Laichi's family, scripturalized only in 2005 by his descendants, the Daozu houyi 道祖后裔, in the form of a Chinese-language booklet entitled Huasi menhuan daozu, will also be tapped.
Short Biography of Dr. Florian Sobieroj:
Florian Sobieroj is active as a cataloguer of Arabic manuscripts in the research project KOHD (Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in German Collections) under the auspices of the G?ttingen Academy of Sciences (start of employment was in 1995).
He has published four catalogues in the Union Catalogue series (VOHD XVIIB 8, 9, 12, XXXVII5), including descriptions of Arabic as well as some Persian and Turkish Mss. of the Bavarian state library of Munich and of some major collections of the German federal state of Thuringia.
Sobieroj has studied oriental languages and history of religion at Freiburg university (he attained his PhD in 1991) and worked as a lecturer of Arabic and Islamic studies at Victoria University of Manchester, U.K. (1993-95), and as a replacement professor at the German universities of Tübingen, Erlangen and Jena (he obtained his venia legendi, "Habilitation", in 2004).
Besides cataloguing and digitizing Islamic Mss. he takes an interest in Sufism, focusing on its manifestations in Arabic and Persian language literature. He has written a number of articles and books on manuscript studies and Islamic mysticism, including an editio princeps of one of the works of al-Qushayri (2012; his translation of the Arabic mystical text has been published in 2017).
Sobieroj also studies Sufism in China (his article "The construction of the sanctity of Ma Mingxin" has been published in Asia 2016. 70 (1) and his article on the spiritual practice of the Naqshbandiyya-Jahriyya of northwest China in ZDMG 2019). His book publication Variance in Arabic Manuscripts (De Gruyter, 2016, SMC 5) also includes some excursuses on Chinese Islam.
This seminar is held under the auspices of
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR);
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University;
Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS);
Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University (SIAS);
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex" (JSPS, Kyoto University);
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in the Mediterranean World" (JSPS, Sophia University); Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University.
July 28
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held the meeting on "Sufism, Tariqah and Saint Veneration in Senegal".
Date: July 28, 2019 (Sun.) 14:00-18:00
Venue: Room No. 2-603, 6th Floor, Building No.2, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University
Language: Japanese
IKEBE Tomoki (ASAFAS, Kyoto University) and SUENO Takanori (ASAFAS, Kyoto University) "An Overview of Sufism, Tariqah and Saint Veneration in Senegal"
IKEBE Tomoki "The Inference Process about 'Donation (addiya)' by the Believers of the Murid Order: Focusing on the Mendicant and the Place of Preaching"
SUENO Takanori "Ibn Ajība's Understanding of the Philosophy of Unity of Being: Focusing on the word 'Qabḍa'"
This meeting was held in cooperation with
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
July 7
Announcement of 1st meeting (2019) of I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held 1st meeting (2019) on July 7.
This meeting was held in cooperation with
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in Islam and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Date: July 7, 2019 (Sun.) 13:30-17:30
Venue: Room No. 2-603, 6th Floor, Building No.2, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University
Language: Japanese
AKAHORI Masayuki (SIAS, Sophia University) "Explanation of the aim of the meeting"
KISAICHI Masatoshi (Juntendo University) "Diversity and Development of the Concept of Islamic Saints: From the Context of the History of Maglib"
AKAHORI Masayuki (SIAS, Sophia University) "Attention and Prospects of the Study on Veneration of Saints in Islam"
KOMAKI Sachiyo (Takasaki City University of Economics) "Toward the theorization of the Study on Veneration of Holy Relics in Islam"
FUJIWARA Kuniko (Koshien University) "The Range of the Study on Veneration of Saints in Catholicism"
July 5
Announcement of the Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) Lecture "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge : Prof. KOMATSU Hisao"
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
This time, 14th lecture, we invite Prof. KOMATSU Hisao to look back on his past research life by giving a lecture entitled "View from Central Asia."
Prof. KOMATSU Hisao specializes in research on the Central Asian Modern History, and has garnered numerous prominent achievements as a pioneer in Japan.
The result was "Yüzyıl Başlarında Orta Asyada Türkçülük ve Devrim Hareketleri" (Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi, 1993); "Revolutionary Central Asia: a portrait of Äbduräuf Fiträt" (University of Tokyo Press, 1996); "Ibrahim Travel to Japan: Russia, Ottoman Empire, Japan" (Tosui Shobo, 2009); "Islam in a Turbulent Age: Modern and Contemporary History of Central Asia" (Yamakawa-Shuppansha, 2014); "The Landscape of Modern Central Asia: The Trajectory of the Generation of Revolution" (Yamakawa-Shuppansha, 2018); "Central Eurasian History (World History New Edition: 4)" (Yamakawa-Shuppansha, 2000); "61 Chapters to Understand Turk" (Akashi Shoten, 2016); "1861, The Age of Reform and Trials (The Turning Point of History 9)" (Yamakawa-Shuppansha, 2018); "1905, Revolutionary Wave and Dream of Solidarity (The Turning Point of History 10)" (Yamakawa-Shuppansha, 2019) and others.
In the lecture, we are planning to have him look back his research life that elevated us with new knowledge from a multilateral perspective.
Date: July 5, 2019 (Fri.) 16:00-18:00
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
Lecturer: KOMATSU Hisao (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
Title: View from Central Asia
March 17
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a research meeting on tariqa.
Date: March 17, 2019 (Sun), 13:00 - 18:00
Venue: Sophia University Yotsuya Campus, Bldg. No:2, 2F 2-603 room (Meeting Room of Faculty of Global Studies)
Presenters: Inoue Kie, Imamatsu Yasushi, Takahashi Kei, Nakanishi Tatsuya, Maruyama Daisuke
13:00-13:10 Maruyama Daisuke(National Defense Academy of Japan) "Explanation of the aim of the event"
13:10-13:50 Inoue Kie(Ochanomizu University) "Inheriting the Teaching in Tariqa"
13:50-14:30 Imamatsu Yasushi (Kyoto University) "Tariqa in Anatolia"
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-15:25 Nakanishi Tatsuya (Kyoto University) "Tariqa (Menhuan) in China"
15:25-16:05 Takahashi Kei(Sophia University) "Tariqa in Contemporary Egypt and the USA" 16:05-16:45 Maruyama Daisuke "the Concept of Tariqa in the Previous Researches: the Case of Sudan"
16:45-17:00 Break
17:00-18:00 General Discussion
This seminar is held under the auspices of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in the Mediterranean World" (JSPS, Sophia University); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex" (JSPS, Kyoto University)
Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University (National Institutes for the Humanities Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East at Sophia University); Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (National Institutes for the Humanities Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East at Kyoto University), and Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University (KR)
March 13
Announcement of the Special Seminar by Prof. Carl Ernst, Prof. Fabrizio Speziale and Prof. Somdev Vasudeva.
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University hosted a Special Seminar entitled "Sufism and Yoga" by Prof. Carl Ernst, Prof. Fabrizio Speziale and Prof. Somdev Vasudeva.
Date: 15:00-18:00 on 13th March, 2019
Speaker: Carl ERNST(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Title: "Poetry, scripted meditation, and creation narrative : Sufi additions to the yoga practices in The Ocean of Life."
Speaker: Fabrizio SPEZIALE(the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Center for South Asian Studies, Paris)
Title: "Yogis, Persianate alchemy and medicine in South Asia"
Speaker: Somdev VASUDEVA (Kyoto University)
Title: TBD
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA415)
Language: English
This seminar is held under the auspices of Middle East and Islamic Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (MEIS);Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University (KR) ; Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS) ; National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East at Kyoto University ; Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University(SIAS); National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East at Sophia University ; Center for South Asian Studies, Kyoto University(KINDAS) ; Middle East and Islamic Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (MEIS); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex" (JSPS, Kyoto University) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in the Mediterranean World" (JSPS, Sophia University).
March 2
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2019 "Sufism, Sufi Orders and Saints from the Middle East to Asia" as follows....
Date: 9:30-17:00 on 2nd March, 2019
Venue: Amphi 3, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales INALCO, Paris
9:30 TONAGA Yasushi (ASAFAS, Kyoto University) and Pierre-Jean LUIZARD (CNRS-GSRL/EPHE-PSL)
1. Sufi Orders in the Indian Subcontinent (Chair: TONAGA Y.)
9:45 NINOMIYA Ayako (Aoyama Gakuin University), Tension, Emotion and Devotion: Master-Disciple Relationships and Consolidation of Medieval India
10:05 Discussant: Alexandre PAPAS (CNRS-CETOBAC/EHESS-PSL)
10:15 Muhammad TOUSEEF (Doctorant EPHE/EHESS), The Sufi Ritual of Sama`: A New Perspective by the Chishti Master Khwaja `Ubaydullah Multani (d. 1888)
10:35 Discussant: NINOMIYA Ayako
10:45 Questions
2. Sufism and Reformism (Chair: NINOMIYA A.)
11:15 YAMAZAKI Satoru (Doctorant Kyoto University), Between Secrecy and Orthodoxy: Tradition and Reform among Contemporary `Alawis
11:35 Discussant: Thierry ZARCONE
11:45 Ayse AKYÜREK (Doctorant EPHE), The Reinventions of the Mevlevi Sema frim 1954 to the Present Day
12:05 Discussant: TONAGA Yasushi
12:15 Questions
3. Saint Veneration in Turkey and in the Middle East (Chair: A. PAPAS)
14:00 Samuel VERLEY (Masterant EHESS), al-Khidr in the Turkish Alawi Cult of the Saints
14:20 Discussant: TONAGA Yasushi
14:30 KONDO Fumiya (Doctorant Sophia University), The Mawlid of Abu al-Hajjaj and Other Mawlids: A Comparative Analysis
14:50 Discussant: Pierre-Jean LUIZARD
15:00 Questions
15:30 MADONO Kotoko (Doctorant Kyoto University), Niyazi-i Misri's Time Theory Based on the Unity of Existence
15:50 Discussant: Thierry ZARCONE
16:00 Questuins
General Remarks and Closing:
16:15 NINOMIYA Ayako; Alexandre PAPAs; Thierry ZARCONE
February 10
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date: February 10, 2019
Venue Lecture Room 2 (AA415), 4th Floor, Research Building No. 2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
15:00-15:10 Opening Remarks
15:10-16:00 "On the Representation of 'Islamism' in Egyptian Movies after the Revolution of January 25" (KATSUHATA Fuyumi, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
16:00-16:50 Formation of the Islamic International Public Opinion and International Opinion: OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) as a Medium (IKEHATA Fukiko, Kyoto University)
16:50-17:10 Break
17:10-18:00 Football as a Medium: A Case Study of Muslim Players in Europe (FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro, Heian Jogakuin St.Agnes University)
18:00-18:30 General discussion
December 23
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University heldthe International symposium on the 2nd Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes (AFOMEDI)
Date: December 23, 2018
Venue: Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Campus, Kyoto University
CHOI Choon-Sik & TONAGA Yasushi
Chair: DANISMAZ Idiris
Chair: Yong Soo YOON
Mediterranean Studies in Japan and My Research Focus
TAKAYAMA Hiroshi (Tokyo University)
Discourses on Mediterranean Studies in Korea
CHOI Choon-Sik (Busan University of Foreign Studies)
From the Mediterranean to Asia: Cultural Interaction and Buddhist Iconography
Elena AVRAMIDOU (Peking University)
Migrations and Transmissions: Mediterranean Studies and East Asia
Gen “Toby” LIANG (The Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica)
Chair: DANISMAZ Idiris
The Choice of Languages in the Ottoman Sufism
TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto University)
Positive Aspects of the Existence of Spirits: Case Studies on the East African Coast
FUJII Chiaki (Kyoto University)
Comparison of the Sources of Urdu Fatwa Collections from the First Half of the 20th Century
MATSUDA Kazunori (Kyoto University)
Persian Literature and `Attar
ISHIKAWA Kido (Kyoto University)
An Esoteric Sect or the Twelvers?: A Question of Identity of Contemporary ‘Alawis
The Expanded Circle of Modern Sufis in Turkey
MADONO Kotoko (Kyoto University)
The Meaning of Studying Akbarian Tradition in North and West Africa
SUENO Takanori (Kyoto University)
The Making of “Conservative Turn” in Contemporary Muslim Indonesia: An Institutional Perspective
MIZUNO Yuji (Kyoto University)
Muhammad Sulayman al-Jazuli and his Works
TANAHASHI Yukari (Kyoto University)
12:30-14:00 Meeting for Evaluation of the AFOMEDI 2018 & LUNCH BREAK
Chair: Elena AVRAMIDOU
Civil Donations and Christian Philanthropy in the Later Roman Empire: Some Analysis of Justinian Edicts on Donations to the Ecclesiastical Institutions
OTSUKI Yasuhiro (Hitotsubashi University)
Representations of Sin and Penance in the Romanesque Cathedrals of Italy
KOJIMA Yoshie (Waseda UNiversity)
Exchange of Mystical Thoughts between Persian and Andalusian Scholars
MOZAFARI Mohammad Hassan (Busan University of Foreign Studies)
Tajdid (Renewal) in Sufism and Khalid al-Baghdadi (d. 1827): From the Perspective of Social Capital Theory
DANISMAZ Idiris (Kyoto University)
Chair: Yuen-Gen LIANG
Conceptualizing Arab Identity in Area Studies Frame
Byoung Joo HAH (Busan University of Foreign Studies)
Concepts of Conquest and Occupation: Different Views on Muslim Rule in the Iberian Peninsula
Mona Farouk Mohamed AHMED (Busan University of Foreign Studies)
The Coexistence of Islam with Western Europe
TOBA Misuzu (Kwansei Gakuin University)
The War of Memories and Pieds-Noirs Diversity: French Cartoonist Jacques Ferrandez and His Pluralist Vision
AOYAGI Etsuko (Tsukuba University)
16:00-16:15 COFFEE BREAK
Chair: KOSUGI Yasushi
Mediterranean Landscape Reconsidered
YAKOU Hisashi (Hokkaido University)
East Asian Visual Studies in Creating a Digital Database
KISHI Toshihiko (Kyoto University)
Text Analysis and Visualization of Field Notes Data
YANAGISAWA Masayuki (Kyoto University)
Research Trend Analysis of Area Studies based on Keywords
Sang Ho MOON (Busan University of Foreign Studies)
Chair: DANISMAZ Idiris
19:00-20:30 Meeting for Planning of the Future AFOMEDI Activities
Chair: DANISMAZ Idiris
* This conference was financially supported by The Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research in Kyoto University (C-PIER), and organized under the auspices of the following institutions:
Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes (AFOMEDI), Center for Islamic Area Studies in Kyoto University (KIAS), National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East, and Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies (Kyoto University)
December 15-17
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date: December 15-17, 2018
Venue: Room 307 and 5th Laboratory, Central Campus, Komatsu University
December 15 (Sat.) 14:00-22:00
14:00-15:00 Reading and Discussion Meeting on Research Materials
15:00-16:00 Research Report: IKEHATA Fukiko (Kyoto University) "What is the formation of international opinions in the Islamic world?"
16:00-16:30 General discussion
16:30-19:30 Break
19:30-21:30 Meeting (session planning at academic conference and publishing plan)
December 16 (Sun.) 11:00-22:00
11:00-12:30 Reading and Discussion Meeting on Research Materials
12:30-14:00 Break
14:00-14:40 Opening Remarks (CHIBA Yushi, Komatsu University)
14:40-15:40 Research Report: KURODA Ayaka (JSPS) "Who is responsible for "Ijtihad"?: Contemporary Potential of Islamic Law in the Discussion at the Contemporary Muslim Magazine"
15:40-16:40 Research Report: AISHIMA Hatsuki (National Museum of Ethnology) "Youth in the Facebook Generation and Islam: On Consumption of Media by Modern Egyptian Middle Class"
16:30-19:30 Break
19:30-21:30 Meeting (session planning at academic conference and publishing plan)
December 17 (Mon.) 10:00-13:45
10:00-13:45 Reading and Discussion Meeting on Research Materials
December 11
Announcement of the Special Seminar by Prof. Shahzad Bashir
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University hosted a Special Seminar entitled "Journeys among the Living Dead of Tabriz: A Sufi Shrine Guide from the Sixteenth Century" by Professor Shahzad Bashir.
Date: 16:00-18:00 on 11th December, 2018
Speaker: Shahzad Bashir (Brown University, USA)
Title: "Journeys among the Living Dead of Tabriz: A Sufi Shrine Guide from the Sixteenth Century"
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Lecture Room (AA401)
Language: English
This seminar is held under the auspices of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties" (JSPS, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies);Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR); Middle East and Islamic Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (MEIS);Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS); Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University (SIAS); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex" (JSPS, Kyoto University); and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in the Mediterranean World" (JSPS, Sophia University) .
December 10-11
Announcement of the "International Symposium: Japan-Malaysia Initiatives on New Asian-Islamic Civilizational Paradigm"
Hadhari-KU held the Kyoto University International Symposium: Japan-Malaysia Initiatives on New Asian-Islamic Civilizational Paradigm in conjunction with the 9th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization and Science (ISICAS 2018), International Sustainable Technology, Energy and Civilization Conference (ISTECC 2018) and Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) Workshop on Asian-Islamic Civilization.
Date: 10-11 December, 2018, Monday and Tuesday
Venue: Main Conference Room, Inamori Memorial building, Kyoto University
Organized by
Kyoto University (ASAFAS with KIAS and Hadhari-KU, Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Graduate School of Agriculture)
jointly with UKM, Legacy, Hadhari-Global and MyKyoto
DAY 1 10th December
10:00-10:30 Opening Session
11:00-12:30 Session 1 Keynote Speeches
14:30-17:00 Session 2 Halal and Halal Life
18:30-20:30 Reception / Award Conferring Ceremony
DAY 2 11th December
10:00-12:00 Session 3 Science
12:00-13:00 Poster Session
14:30-17:00 Session 4 Islamic Economy and Politics
17:30-18:00 Closing Session
December 6
Announcement of the Special Seminar by Prof. Nile Green
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University hosted a Special Seminar entitled "From Sufi Establishment to Salafi Reform: Reflections on Writing a History of Sufism" by Professor Nile Green.
Date: 15:00-17:00 on 6th December, 2018
Speaker: Nile Green (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA)
Title: “From Sufi Establishment to Salafi Reform: Reflections on Writing a History of Sufism”
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Lecture Room (AA401)
Language: English
Abstract: Over the past century, the humanistic appeal of the mystical poetry and theosophical teachings of the Sufis has won them many admirers outside the dar al-islam. Yet in the same period, Sufi Islam has increasingly been rejected by Salafis and other Muslim reformists. These developments are easier to understand when we take a historical approach that takes account of the social, political and ethnographic dimensions of Sufi Islam, including the rise of Sufis to the position of a ‘religious establishment.’ Ranging from India to the Middle East, this illustrated lecture outlines basic conceptual principles that help us to understand the socio-political functions of the Sufis that contributed to their ascendancy no less than their loss of power.1
This seminar was held under the auspices of Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR); Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS); Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University (SIAS);Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex" (JSPS, Kyoto University); and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in the Mediterranean World" (JSPS, Sophia University).
December 4
We hereby announce that 2018 2nd KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar will be held on coming December 4 (Tuesday).
Our distinguished guests this time are Prof. Salam Irene and Dr. Tingneichong Gangte, both from Manipur, India.
They will speak on the history of Manipur, especially its Muslims and Muslim women, and its tribes.
This is a precious occasion to learn about this less-known region of India.
2018 2nd KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar "Minority Muslim Community and Its Women in Manipur"
(Co-hosted by South Asia and Indian Ocean Studies Seminar)
Date & Time: December 4 (Tuesday), 2018 16:00-18:00
Venue: Conference Room (AA463), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
16:00-17:00 Presentation 1:
Dr. Salam Irene (ex-Professor, Department of History, Manipur University, India),
"Minority Muslim Community and Its Women in Manipur"
17:00-17:30 Presentation 2:
Dr. Tingneichong Gangte (Principal, Presidency College, Motbung, Manipur, India),
"Origin of the Indigenous Tribes of Manipur"
17:30-18:00 Discussion
Language: English
Presentation 1: "Minority Muslim Community and Its Women in Manipur" by Dr. Salam Irene
Minority Muslims in North East India
Contemporary North East India is a product of British Imperialism and early National Formation of Modern India. It is necessary to know how the British empire of the nineteenth century impacted upon subject people of the North East. Manipur is a land-locked state in the eastern most part of the country, sharing an international border with Myanmar.
In contrast to many states of India, except for Assam, which has a sizable Muslim population, the Muslim population of North East India is miniscule as compared to the rest of India. The Muslim rulers who ruled India in the Medieval period never ruled any part of North East India, so Muslims of this region are different to Muslim in other parts of Indian sub-continent.
Meitei Pangal of Manipur
The Court Chronicle of the Kings of Manipur refers to the invasion of Manipur by Kachari and Muslim mercenaries in 1606 A.D. The King took 1,000 Muslims into captivity, but allowed them to settle in Manipur; he also provided them with Meitei brides (Meiteis followed a primeval religion-Sanamahi, not Hinduism at this time) and provided them with opportunities of employment. As a result the Muslims integrated completely into the Meitei society of the Imphal Valleys that they come to be known as 'Meitei Pangal'. As originally these prisoners of war came from East Bengal (Bengal) and as the Meitei could not pronounce 'B' they changed 'B' into 'P', and the Muslims of Manipur received Dual Identity i.e. 'Meitei Pangal'. They adopted Meiteilon as their lingua franca, they ate, dressed and lived as did the Meiteis and the only factors that distinguished them from Meitei was their profession of Islam. But till their Quest for Identity commencing from the end of the 19th century, they were not too rigid with regard to the tenets and practices of Islam.
Meitei Pangal Women
In Manipur, women enjoy a high status, and as the Muslims married Meitei, the Meitei were easily able to completely transform their husbands into 'Meitei Husbands' whose life and conditions followed the pattern of the Meiteis. The Manipuri Kings were extremely liberal towards the Meitei Pangals, who right from the beginning regarded themselves as indigenous residents of the Manipur Kingdom. And Meitei Muslim women had an overwhelming influence over their husbands, because traditionally they were economically independent, mobile and also used to participating in the public arena. This is proved by their participation in the Two Nupi Lans or Women's Wars against British colonialism in the 20th century.
Presentation 2: "Origin of the Indigenous Tribes of Manipur" by Dr. Tingneichong Gangte
In Manipur (India), there are 39 different tribes having their own cultures, languages, traditions, etc. All the tribes in the North East have similar physical features with slight variations here and there. Among these tribes, the Kukis and Nagas are the major tribes of Manipur. This presentation tries to trace the origin of the Kukis (Kuki-Chin-Mizo), which is often shrouded with myths and mythologies.
December 1-2
Announcement of International Workshop on Chinese Muslims entitled "Redrawing and Straddling Borders: Chinese Muslims in Trans-national Fields and Multi-linguistic Literatures"
The International Workshop on Chinese Muslims entitled "Redrawing and Straddling Borders: Chinese Muslims in Trans-national Fields and Multi-linguistic Literatures" was held on December 1-2.
This workshop is held under the joint auspices of Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, and Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Doshisha University, and scheduled as follows.
December 1 (Sat.): 11:00-18:30
December 2 (Sun.): 9:00-17:50
Institute for Research in Humanities Main Building (4F Conference Room), Research Bldg. No. 4, Kyoto University
Language: English
*This workshop will be financially supported by
The Kyoto University Foundation
Hashimoto Jun Memorial Foundation
Joint Usage/Research Program of Center for Information Resources of Area Studies (CIRAS), Kyoto University
Joint Usage/Research Program of Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
and officially supported by
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS)
WANG-KANDA Liulan, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Doshisha University
NAKANISHI Tatsuya, Institute for Resarch in Humanities, Kyoto University
December 1st
Redrawing Boundaries between “Us” and “Others” in Response to Changing Historical Circumstances
10:30 -11:00 Registration
11:00-11:30 Opening
NAKANISHI Tatsuya (Kyoto University) and WANG-KANDA Liulan (Doshisha University)
[Chinese Muslims’ Identity Negotiation in Various Historical Contexts]
NAKANISHI Tatsuya (Kyoto University)
Family, Umma, and Nation: Multilayered and Dynamic Identities of Chinese Muslims
Lunch 12:30-14:00
ZHAO Yuanhao 趙元昊 (Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Boundaries of Hui: About Wartime Ethnic "Identity"
[Religious Boundaries for Chinese Muslims]
Aaron GLASSERMAN (Columbia University)
Way of Heaven, Way of Man: Boundaries of the Shari'a in Qing and Republican China
Suchart SETTHAMALINEE (Payap University)
Different Religious Practices and “Others” in Northern Thailand
December 2nd
Straddling Spatial, Cultural, or Ethnic Boundaries
8:30-9:00 Registration
[Chinese Muslims’ Struggles: Bridging the cultures from China and Other Regions]
Dror WEIL (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
Transcending Linguistic Boundaries in Late Imperial China - The Case ofMirsad al-‘ibad
Diana WONG (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Overseas Hui Entrepreneurs and the Globalisation of Qingzhen Ethnic Food: A Case Study of Malaysia
[Chinese Muslims and Other Chinese Minorities]
Marie-Paule HILLE (Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales)
Legacy, Sociability, Moving Borders: an Ethnography of Trade Relationship between Chinese Muslims and Tibetans in Amdo
12:20-13:50 Lunch
WANG Jianxin 王建新 (Lanzhou University)
Socio-Cultural Similarities and Differences among Different Muslim Groups in Mainland China: An Approach toward the Multiculturalism in Muslim Minorities
[Chinese Muslim Diaspora]
WANG-KANDA Liulan (Doshisha University)
Border-crossing, Belonging and Family networks among Chinese Muslim Diaspora in Northern Thailand
MA Hailong 馬海龍 (Qinghai Nationalities University)
At Home in Diaspora: the Chinese Hui Migrants in Malaysia
Concluding Discussion
November 16
Announcement of the International Workshop on the Current Political Thoughts and Systems in the Middle East
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS "Cross-Regional Study of Public Morality, Violence and Ruling Authority in Modern Muslim Society" (Principal Investigator: TAKAO Kenichiro) and 'Transitions of Islam and Democracy': Engendering Democratic Learning and Civic Identities' NPRP award [NPRP9 309-5-041] held the International Workshop on the Current Political Thoughts and Systems in the Middle East.
Date: November 16, 2018 (Fri.) 14:00-17:00
Venue: Lecture Room 1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, TURKEY)
Mr. Yuki Okabe (Kyoto University, JAPAN)
Language: English
Opening (15 mins)
Lecture:(Dr. Mohammed Moussa, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University)
Title: "The Modern Political Party as a Political Community: The Thought and Practice of the Egyptian Current Party"(1 hour)
Discussion (30 mins)
Break (10 mins)
Presentation: (Mr. Yuki Okabe, Kyoto University)
Title: "Executive Power Sharing: Politics of Cabinet Portfolio Distribution in Lebanon" (30 mins)
Comment from Dr. Moussa and Discussion (30 mins)
Closing (5 mins)
November 9
Announcement of the Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) Lecture "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge : Prof. KATO Hiroshi"
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
This time, 13th lecture, we invite Prof. KATO Hiroshi to look back on his past research life by giving a lecture entitled "Islam for Materialist."
Prof. KATO Hiroshi specializes in research on the Social and Economic History of the Middle East, the research on Islamic Society, and has garnered numerous prominent achievements as a pioneer in Japan.
The result was "Private Land Ownership and Egyptian Society" (Sobunsha, 1993); "Islam as a civilization: Attempt of pluralistic social description" (University of Tokyo Press, 1995); "Scandal in Abu Suineta Village: Society of Egyptian village seen from judicial documents" (Sobunsha, 1997); "Crisis and reform of the Islamic world" (Yamakawa-Shuppansha, 1997); "The Islamic world: the God as trickster" (University of Tokyo Press, 2002); "Economic history of the Islamic world" (NTT Shuppan, 2005); "Modernity of 'Islam vs. Western Europe'" (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho, 2006); "Nile: River weaving the area" (Tosui Shobo, 2008); "Islamic economics: Economic ethics of Islam" (Shosekikobo Hayama Publishing, 2010); "Muhammad Ali: The enlightened monarch who built modern Egypt" (Yamakawa-Shuppansha, 2013) and others.
In the lecture, we are planning to have him look back his research life that elevated us with new knowledge from a multilateral perspective.
Date: November 9, 2018 (Fri.) 17:00-19:00
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
Lecturer: KATO Hiroshi (Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University)
Title: Islam from a Materialist Perspective
August 24
Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Kyoto University held a meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date August 24, 2018 (Fri.) 16:00-18:00
Venue Lecture Room 2 (AA415), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University)
16:00-16:15 Opning Remarks
16:15-17:15 Pilgrimage as a communication medium: Dynamism over imitation and creation (Dr. YASUDA Shin, Takasaki City University of Economics)
Q & A
17:15-18:15 Discussion on sectarian issues under the media base (CHIBA Yushi, Komatsu University)
Q & A
18:15-18:30 General discussion
July 24-25
Announcement of the 12th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance: New Horizons in Islamic Economics and Finance.
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK, held the 12th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance: New Horizons in Islamic Economics and Finance, July 24-25, 2018.
Date: 24th-25th July 2018, 9:30-18:00
Venue: Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Lecture Theatre MHL 405
09:00-09:30 Registration and Coffee (The Lounge, MHL 418)
24th July 2018, Tuesday (MHL405 - Lecture Theatre)
09:30-09:45 Opening Remarks
Professor Yasushi Kosugi & Professor Mehmet Asutay
09:45-11:00 Session I
1.1. Islamic Economics and Halal Studies - Towards the Islamic Civilizational Revival: A Kyoto Manifesto
Yasushi Kosugi
1.2. Financialisation of Islamic Finance: An Islamic Moral Economy Perspective
Mehmet Asutay
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-13:00 Session II
2.1. Financial Stability and Risk Transmission in Malaysian Dual Financial System
Ahmed Elsayed and Habib Ahmed
2.2. Islamic Finance and Socio-economic Development: Does it Reflect the Islamic View of Development?
Nur Dhani Hendranastiti
2.3. Comparing Malaysian and Turkish Takaful Systems: A Qualitative Approach
Hakan Aslan
13:00-14:15 Lunch
14:15-15:45 Session III
3.1. Risk Management and Corporate Governance Failures in Islamic Banks: The Arcapita Case Study
Saleh Alhammadi
3.2. Examining the Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in the GCC Countries
Erhan Akkas
3.3. Factors Affecting the Development of Innovative Financial Products in Islamic Banking Industry: Evidence from Saudi Arabia
Mona Alrasheedi
15:45-16:15 Break
16:15-17:45 Session IV
4.1. Temporal Causality between Islamic Financing Tools and Output in Malaysia: A Bootstrap Rolling Windows (RW) Approach
Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek
4.2 Grassroots Evolution of Zakat Practice in Indonesia: A Case Study of Malang City
Mari Adachi
4.3. Exploring the Impact of Microfinance in Pakistan: An Econometric Analysis
Fram Hansotia
17:45-18:00 Break
18:00-19:00 Session V
5.1. Framing Kurdish Moral Economy: Embeddedness in the Kurdish Religious and Tribal Society
Omer Tekdemir
5.2. Transformation of Syrian Authoritarian Regime and Refugee Crisis
Aoi Mochizuki
19:00 End of the Day
25th July 2018, Wednesday (MHL405 - Lecture Theatre)
09:30-10:45 Session VI
6.1. Reconsidering the Concept of Capitalism from an Islamic Perspective
Shinsuke Nagaoka
6.2. Muslim Measures: A Preliminary Discussion of Communicating Text in to Policy
Salwa Baarma
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-12:45 Session VII
7.1. The Bank Lending Channel in the Malaysian Islamic and Conventional Banking System
M. Husam Helmi
7.2. Do religiosity and Communality Matter in Risk Aversion?
Ebi Junaidi
7.3. Malaysia's Promotion of Halal Industry and Its Position in Global Halal Movement
Midori Kirihara
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session VIII
8.1. The Attitudes of Muslim Students towards Student Loan Financing: The Peripheral Impact of the Available Fatawas
Alija Avdukic
8.2. The Maqasid al-Shari’ah Performance of Indonesian Islamic Banks
M. Qareza Qualdi
8.3. Where is the State? Public Goods Provision in Lebanon
Yuki Okabe
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Session IX
9.1. Islamic International Norm Creation as a Function of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Fukiko Ikehata Junaidi
9.2. Nucleus-Plasma Partnership as Model to Build Social Prosperity
Lukman Hakim
9.3. Religiosity, Indirect Giving (Sadaqah), and Factors Influencing Investors’ Trading Behaviour: Evidence from Pt Henan Putihrai Sekuritas (HPX)
Primandanu F. Aziz
17:30-18:00 Closing Remarks & the End of the Programme
July 10
The 1st KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar on 2018 was held on July 10 (Tuesday).
This time, our distinguished guest Dr. Thierry Di Costanzo (University of Strasbourg) will speak on the 'idea of Pakistan', especially its relation with emotion/passion. It is part of his findings from his research on the Aqeel Collection (a collection of Dr. Moinuddin Aqeel, b. 1945, former professor of Karachi University, which is now being stored at ASAFAS, Kyoto University).
2018 1st KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar "The 'Idea of Pakistan' in the Aqeel Collection in English: Divided Nationalisms and Ruling Passions (1914-1949)"
Date: July 10 (Tuesday), 2018. 15:00-16:30
Venue: Lecture Room 1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Speaker: Dr. Thierry Di Costanzo (University of Strasbourg, France)
Title: The 'Idea of Pakistan' in the Aqeel Collection in English: Divided Nationalisms and Ruling Passions (1914-1949)
Language: English
The 'Aqeel Collection' is held by Kyoto University ASAFAS. It is a most valuable collection of books on the history and literature of South Asian Muslims and Islam in general. The collection consists mainly of books in Urdu. However, Dr DiCostanzo works solely on the part of the collection that is written in English. There, he focuses on anti-colonial Indian nationalism and the 'idea of Pakistan'. Thanks to the Collection, DiCostanzo has been able to 'mine' dozens of books published all over the British Empire in India and elsewhere in the twenties, thirties and forties, in order to find more about political and communal 'passions' like fear, anger, hatred, joy etc, in them. The great variety of the Aqeel corpus might make it possible to imagine a new typology of nationalism for the 'idea of Pakistan'. It might also help to shed some new light on the theme of 'emotional' politics in South Asian history and why emotions and passions might have been used by intellectuals of the time before the Great Partition of 1947 occurred.
On the Speaker:
Dr Thierry DiCOSTANZO is a senior lecturer in IR, EFL and South Asian Islam at Sciences Po Strasbourg and at the Foreign Languages and History Departments of the University of Strasbourg (France). He is a specialist of British Imperial history in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). Last year, he started a project with ASAFAS on the valuable Aqeel collection, on the books written in English only. It is about the 'idea of Pakistan' and other anti-colonial nationalisms in South Asia, but also about conceiving a new historiography of Pakistan and Bangladesh and how they could be related to the promising field of 'history of emotions' in South Asian political history. A special Strasbourg-Kyoto grant enabled him to stay in ASAFAS for two weeks in January 2017. He has already given a couple of presentations in ASAFAS itself, and written an article in the Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies entitled 'Erasure' and 'Reinstatement' in Romesh Chunder Dutt's Vision of India's Past presented at KINDAS/KIAS joint seminar last July: https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2433/230449.
(Please replace [at] with @ while sending Email)
June 28
Announcement of the 2nd Japan-Malaysia Forum on Islamic Ethics, Economics and Governance
The 2nd Japan-Malaysia Forum on Islamic Ethics, Economics, and Governance is held under the auspices of the Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), the Center for Hadhari Islamic Civilizational Studies at Kyoto University, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) "International Comparative Studies on Islamic Economic Practices after the Post-Financial Capitalism"; Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research "Universalizing Islamic Economic Knowledge for the Next Generation Global Economic System."
Date: 11:00-12:00 on 28th June 2018
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA447)
Language: English
11:00-11:05: Opening Remarks
11:05-12:00: Keynote Lecture
Dr. Zurina Shafii (Visiting Associate Professor, Kyoto University)
"Shariah-based Assurance: Towards the Economy that Grows without Grime and Greed"
June 16
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 5th meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date June 16, 2018 (Sat.) 18:00-19:15
Venue: KIAS Conference Room, KIAS, 2nd Floor, Research Building No.2 Annex, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
18:00-18:45 Revolution and Anti-revolution: A Drawing of the Situation of "Democratization of Information" in the Middle East (CHIBA Yushi, Komatsu University)
18:45-19:15 General discussion
February 28
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 4th meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date: February 28, 2018 (Wed.) 16:00-18:00
Venue: Lecture Room 2 (AA415), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
16:00-16:40 On the Representation of 'Islamism' in Egyptian Films (Mainly in the 1990's) (KATSUHATA Fuyumi, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
16:40-17:30 Research Trends in the Recent Media in the Middle East: Internet and Islam (CHIBA Yushi, Waseda University)
17:30-18:00 General discussion
February 24
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Institute for Mediterranean Studies at Busan University of Foreign Studies (IMS), held seventh joint seminar.
KIAS-IMS Seventh Joint Seminar "Exploring Culture and Politics in the Mediterranean World"
Date: 24 February 2018 (Saturday), 14:30-18:15
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA447)
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: English
Opening Session (14:30-14:50)
Chair: FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
TONAGA Yasushi (Director, Center for Islamic Area Studies, Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
"Welcome Speech"
Yong Soo YOON (Director, Institute for Mediterranean Studies)
"Greeting Speech"
Session 1 (14:50-16:20)
Chair: Byoung Joo HAH (Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
Idiris Danismaz (Assistant Professor, Organization for Advanced Research and Education, Doshisha University)
"The Notion of Conscience in Islam: Focusing on "Vicdan" in Hak Dini Kur'an Dili by Elmalili Muhammed Hamdi Yazir (d. 1942)"
YAMAMOTO Naoki (Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Asian and Area Studies)
"Sharia/Haqiqa Dichotomy among Sufis and Kadizadelis during Ottoman Period"
Yong Soo YOON (Director, Institute for Mediterranean Studies) & Jung Ha KIM (Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
"Islam' Mediation Role in the Mediterranean History"
Session 2 (16:30-18:00)
Chair: Choonsik Choi (Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
Ji Hun KANG (Research Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
"A Study on Information Technology Utilization for Education of Overseas Area Culture"
OKABE Yuki (Graduate Student, Graduate School of Asian and Area Studies)
"Reconsidering Power Sharing Regimes and Civil Wars in Lebanon and Syria"
Sang Ho Moon (Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Busan University of Foreign Studies) & Dong Yeol LEE (Research Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
"GIS based Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Analysis"
Closing Session (18:00-18:15)
Chair: TONAGA Yasushi (Director, Center for Islamic Area Studies, Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
KOSUGI Yasushi (Director, Hadhari Center for Islamic Civilizational Studies, Kyoto University; Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
"Closing Remarks"
Center for Islamic Area Studies (KIAS)
Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center forSufi Studies, Kyoto University
Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies
February 13
Announcement of "3-Group Joint Research Meeting"
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies " at Kyoto University has organized three groups (Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group, Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group, Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group). Each conducted research activities.
The above three groups jointly held a "3-Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct the following research presentations by each group on Tuesday, February 13.
Date: 13 February 2018 (Tue.), 16:00-18:00
Venue: Lecture Room 1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
16:00-16:15 Opning Remarks
16:15-16:45 Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group
Idiris Danismaz (Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Research and Education, Doshisha University)
"Ethical Rationalization" of Islamic Mysticism: Focusing on the Philosophy of Existence of Bursevi (D. 1728) and the Interpretation of the Quran
16:45-17:15 Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group
WATANABE Shun (ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
The Historical Transition of the Dominant Structure of Jordan and the Contemporary View
17:15-17:45 Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group
YASUDA Shin (Lector, Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Economics, Teikyo University)
Commercialization of Islam: Standardization and Contextualization in Islamic Tourism
17:45-18:00 General discussion
This workshop will be held with the cooperation of the following projects.
Center for NIHU Program " Modern Middle East Studies " at Kyoto University
Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS)
International Comparative Studies on Islamic Economic Practices after the Post Financial Capitalism (Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), JSPS)
Universalizing Islamic Economic Knowledge for the Next Generation Global Economic System (Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research)
January 21-22
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University (SIAS) held the SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2018 "Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Other Related Subjects Including Graduate Student Presentations" as follows....
Date: January 21-22, 2018
Venue: Toyo University's Training Center in Atami
12, Momoyama-cho 1, Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture 413-0006
January 21: 13:00-18:00
(13:00-13:15) Opening Remarks: TONAGA Yasushi (KIAS, Kyoto University)
Part 1: Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Related Subjects
(13:15-13:50) Pierre-Jean LUIZARD (EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“Damascus and Cairo: Two Heads of Hussein for Two Kinds of Worship”
(13:50-14:15) KONDO Fumiya (Ph.D. student, SGPAS, Sophia University)
“Mawlid Dolls of Egypt in terms of “Religious Commodities”: A Preliminary Study”
(14:15-14:50) Thierry ZARCONE (EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“Qadamgah and Mausoleums Associated with Relics of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib in the Indo-Turko-Persian Area”
(15:00-15:35) NINOMIYA Ayako (Aoyama Gakuin University)
“Qadam-i Sharif, Mecca and Delhi: Story of a Sufi and Footprints of the Prophet Muhammad in Medieval India”
(15:35-16:10) Alexandre PAPAS (CNRS-CETOBAC)
“Kashkul: Practical Uses and Doctrinal Meanings of a Sufi Relic”
(16:10-16:45) TAKAHASHI Kei (JSPS Research Fellow-RPD)
“Sufism without Tariqa: The Emergence of Muslim Third Places in the Contemporary American Muslim Community”
Part 2: Graduate Student Presentations 1
(17:00-17:30) ISHIKAWA Kido (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“The Mode of Expression of the Love in the works of Baba Tahir”
(17:30-18:00) SUENO Takanori (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“Ibrahim Niyas's on Sufism: From a Perspective as a Shari‘a Oriented Sufi”
January 22: 09:00-12:00
Part 3: Graduate Student Presentations 2
(09:00-09:30) YAMAZAKI Satoru (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“Syrian Civil War, Sectarianism, and the Turkish Arab `Alawis’ Struggle for Recognition”
(09:30-10:00) Kamnoush KHOSROVANI (Ph.D. student, EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“On the Path of an Exuberant Sufi Practice :An Anthropological Study of the Contemporary Female Qaderi Groups in Tehran”
Part 4: Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Related Subjects 2
(10:10-10:45) FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Research Associate of the NIHU/KIAS, Kyoto University)
“Qur’anic Interior Ornaments in Ordinary Muslims’ Space: From the case of South Tunisia”
(10:45-11:20) YASUDA Shin (Teikyo University)
“Commodifying Religious Experiences: Islamic Tour Operators and Religious Markets in Indonesia”
(11:20-11:50) General Comments: Pierre-Jean LUIZARD, Alexandre PAPAS, and Thierry ZARCONE
(11:50-12:00) Closing Remarks: AKAHORI Masayuki (SIAS, Sophia University)
Thierry ZARCONE, TONAGA Yasushi, MISAWA Nobuo (Faculty of Social Sciences, Toyo University), AKAHORI Masayuki
Sponsoring Institutes and Research Projects:
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Groupe Societes, Religions, Laicites
KIAS (Center for Islamic Area Studies, Graduate School of Asian and African Studies)
SIAS (Center for Islamic Studies, Sophia University)
NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS)
Comparative Area Studies on Conflicts, Interactions, and Reconciliations between Islam and Other Religions Including Christianity (Sophia University Special Grant for Academic Research (Research in Priority Areas))
NIHU=National Institute of Humanities
ASAFAS=Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
SGPAS=Sophia Graduate Program for Area Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University
January 21
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 3rd meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date: January 21, 2018 (Sun.) 16:00-18:00
Venue: Lecture Room 2 (AA415), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
16:00-16:10 Explanation of previous content
16:10-16:50 Diffusion of Publishing Culture and Language Transformation in the Contemporary Arab World: Focusing on Controversy of "Standard Language" and Characteristic Reform Theory (TAKEDA Toshiyuki, Kyoto University)
16:50-17:30 'Radio Star in Egypt from 1960 to 1970' Abdul Harim Mahmood's Media Strategy and Diawa (AISHIMA Hazuki, National Museum of Ethnology)
17:30-18:00 General discussion
December 26
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 2nd meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date: December 26, 2017 (Tue.) 16:00-18:20
Venue: Lecture Room 2 (AA415), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
16:00-16:10 Explanation of previous content (CHIBA Yushi, Waseda University)
16:10-16:50 Between the Global Islam and the Local Islam: An Essay on Pilgrimage and Pilgrimage Economy Viewed from Transportation Networks on Islamic Moderate Mainstream Factions (YASUDA Shin, Teikyo University)
16:50-17:30 Religious and Political Discourse and Trends of Intellectuals in Egypt: Agenda of Research of Modern Islamic Thought. (KURODA Ayaka, JSPS)
17:30-18:20 OIC (Islamic Cooperation Organization) as Medium: Towards the Construction of Islamic Justice of Moderate Mainstream. (IKEHATA Fukiko, Kyoto University)
18:20-18:30 About Future Plans (CHIBA Yushi)
December 23
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS, "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex" (Principal Investigator: TONAGA Yasushi) held the following meeting with the cooperation of Group 1 (Ulama - Sufi Research Group) of KIAS.
Date: December 23, 2017 (Sat.) 13:00-17:00
Venue: Lecture Room1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: Japanese
13:20-15:20 NINOMIYA Ayako (Aoyama Gakuin University)
The Time when Society and Theory Intersect: The Conflict of Sufi's Tariqa and the Theory of Teacher-Student Relationship in the Early Period of Delhi Sultanate
15:40-16:10 TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto University)
Rethinking of Triode Structure of Sufism
16:10-16:40 SAWAI Makoto (Kyoto University)
Information Provision about "Pentagonal Structure" as a Framework for Analysis of Sufism by Mark Sedgwick
16:40-17:00 General discussion
December 17
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University and Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies invited Dr. Jonathan A.C. Brown, Associate Professor of the Georgetown University Diplomatic College, and held a workshop at Doshisha University.
Dr. Jonathan Brown is a prominent researcher who has published many excellent articles on Hadith research.
International Workshop
"Utilizing the Prophetic Legacy: Questions of Justice and Authority in the Muslim Societies"
Date: December 17, 2017 (Sun.) 10:30-17:15
Venue: Room K47, Kofukan Building, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University
(Nearest station: Imadegawa Station, Karasuma Line, Kyoto City Subway)
Language: English
10:30-10:45 Opning Remarks
10:45-11:25 "Staging the Authenticity: How Medieval Hadith Scholars Used Hadiths in Their Literature"
MORIYAMA Teruaki (Associate Professor, School of Theological, Doshisha University)
11:25-11:45 Q & A
11:45-13:15 Lunch Break
13:15-13:55 "Campaign against Conjugal Bid'as in Northern Morocco of the Sixteenth Century"
13:55-14:15 Q & A
14:15-14:30 Break
14:30-15:10 "Dealing with the Tension between Justice and the Shari'a"
Jonathan Brown (Associate Professor, Georgetown University Diplomatic College / Director of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University)
15:10-15:30 Q & A
15:30-15:50 Break
15:50-17:00 General discussion
17:00-17:15 Closing Remarks
Moderator: MORIYAMA Teruaki
Co-organized by:
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
Socio-Historical Study on 'Ashab al-Hadith': Toward Clarification of the Formation and Permeation of the Sunnis (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), JSPS)
December 10
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University and Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies invited Dr. Jonathan A. C. Brown, Associate Professor of the Georgetown University Diplomatic College to give a lecture at Doshisha University.
Dr. Jonathan Brown is a prominent researcher who has published many excellent articles on Hadith research.
Public Lecture
"Prophetic Traditions and Muslim Practices"
Date: December 10, 2017 (Sun.) 15:00-17:00
Venue: Room S24, Shiseikan Building, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University
(Nearest station: Imadegawa Station, Karasuma Line, Kyoto City Subway)
Language: English
15:00-15:10 Opening
15:10-16:10 Lecture
Lecturer: Dr. Jonathan A.C. Brown (Georgetown University)
Title: "Prophetic Traditions and Muslim Practices"
* Dr. Jonathan A. C. Brown is an Associate Professor at the Georgetown University Diplomatic College, and the Director of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University. He is known for his work on classical hadith research, such as "The Canonization of al-Bukhari and Muslim" (2007) and "Misquoting Muhammad" (2014), and also frequently speaks about Islamic issues such as Salafism.
16:10-16:20 Break
16:20-17:00 General discussion, Q & A
Moderator: MORIYAMA Teruaki
Co-organized by:
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University
School of Theological, Doshisha University
December 9
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (Principal Investigator: KOSUGI Yasushi) and Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group (Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University) held the following meeting.
Date: December 9, 2017 (Sat.) 14:00-
Venue: Conference Room (AA463), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto Universitybr>
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: Japanese
14:00-15:45 Khashan Ammar (Research Fellow, Kyoto University)
Tanzim Da`ish (Islamic State, IS) and Extremist's Law School: Comparison and Verification with Legitimate Sunni Law School
16:00-17:45 KOSUGI Yasushi (Professor, Kyoto University)
Approaching and Opposing between the Sunni and Shiite in the Modern Times: Dynamics of Thought Development and Sectarian Politics.
December 2
NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East held the Joint Mini-Symposium "Contemporary Middle East from the Perspective of Multiple Resources" organized by Five Centers of the project.
Date: December 2, 2017 (Sat.) 15:00-17:45
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: Japanese
15:00-15:30 FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University)
Material Culture Surrounding the Qur'an: From Cases of Interior Accessories
15:30-16:00 NISHIO Tetsuo (NIHU / National Museum of Ethnology)
On the Recycling of Culture as a Global Phenomenon: From Study of Belly Dance.
NWATA Hiroshi (Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Faculty of International Resource Sciences, Akita University)
Assets and Resources: How can We create a Multi-Dimensional View of Resourcse.
17:00-17:45 Q & A
November 11
I-MAZAR: Joint Research for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held 2nd seminar for the Anthropology and History Research Group at KKR Chitosesou Izu Nagaoka.
Date: November 11-12, 2017 (Sat.-Sun.)
Venue: KKR Chitosesou Izu Nagaoka
11 Nov. (Sat.) (Day 1)
13:30-13:45 Opening Remarks, Self Introduction
13:45-15:30 SAWAI Makoto (PD, JSPS / Kyoto University)
Modernity of Islamic Mysticism: Focusing on the Concept of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic Modernism.
15:45-17:30 TAKAHASHI Kei (RPD, JSPS / Sophia University)
Sufism and Muslim Community in Contemporary America: The Prosperity of the "Traditional Islam" Movement and its Background.
17:30-18:00 KOMAKI Sachiyo (Takasaki City University of Economics)
Joint Investigation Report on Italy
12 Nov. (Sun.) (Day 2)
9:30-10:30 TAKAO Kenichiro (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Literature Presentation 1
Chapter 1. The Formation of Schools of Mysticism
10:30-11:30 FUJII Chiaki (kyoto University)
Literature Presentation 2
Chapter 2. The Chief Tariqa Lines
11:30-11:45 General Review/Closing Remarks
Co-organized by:
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS)
Sophia University Special Grant for Academic Research Program (Research in Priority Areas) "Comparative Area Studies on Conflicts, Interactions, and Reconciliations between Islam and Other Religions Including Christianity"
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
November 5
Center for "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University held the 1st meeting on "The Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World" (NIHU Young Joint Research Program on Modern Middle East Studies)
Date: November 5, 2017 (Sun.) 16:00-18:00
Venue: Lecture Room 2 (AA415), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
CHIBA Yushi (Waseda University)
A Study of Modern Media and Islam in the Arab World
September 27-28
Announcement of the 11th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance: New Horizons in Islamic Economics.
This workshop is held under the auspices of Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (JSPS, Kyoto University) , Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) "International Comparative Studies on Islamic Economic Practices after the Post Financial Capitalism"; Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research "Universalizing Islamic Economic Knowledge for the Next Generation Global Economic System"; Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK.
This workshop is co-hosted by Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) Workshop on Economic Disparity in Asia.
Date: 13:00-19:00 on 27th, 13:00-18:00 on 28th September, 2017
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA447)
Language: English
DAY 1 (27th)
12:30-12:45 Opening Remarks (Professor Yasushi Kosugi, Professor Mehmet Asutay)
12:45-13:45 Session 1 (Chair: Dr. Shinsuke Nagaoka)
Professor Mehmet Asutay
Emancipation and Empowerment: Re-Framing Islamic Finance within Islamic Moral Economy in Responding to the Contemporary Challenges in Islamic Financial Institutions
Professor Yasushi Kosugi
Hadhari Global Network: New Initiatives, Tasks and Prospects
14:00-16:30 Session 2 (Chair: Dr. Zurina Shafii)
Dr. Ai Kawamura
Malaysian Model and Dubai Approach: Disputes Resolution Systems for Islamic Finance without Legal System
Dr. Khashan Ammar
Rethinking the Maqasid al-Shari'ah in Prohibition of Rib?: A Contextual and Legal Analysis of Historical Sources for Contemporary Islamic Economics
Ebi Junaidi
It takes Two to Tango: Integrating the Plain-vanilla Risk-sharing Contract of Islamic Finance for Venture Capital with Waqf: A Theoretical Approach of Entrepreneurial Financing
Nur Dhani Hendranastiti
Financing Constraints in SMEs in Indonesia: How Islamic Moral Economy Augmented Islamic Finance Can Expand the Financing Opportunities
Nur Izzati Binti Mohamad Norzilan
Institutional Practice of Waqf Revitalization in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges
16:45-19:15 Session 3 (Dr. Khashan Ammar)
Dr. Zurina Shafii
Strategic Directives for Shariah Governance Practices beyond Compliance: Case of Malaysia
Banjaran Indrastromo
Indonesia and its Islamic Economic Project at the Crossroad
Erhan Akkas
Constructing the Emergence of Islamic Finance as an Institutional Innovation: An Exploration in Knowledge Led Institutionalisation
Mucahit Ozdemir
Islamic Ethical Identity and Financial Performance Nexus in Islamic Banks: Expanded Maqasid al-Shari'ah Approach
Ali Drissi
The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Risk Management Disclosures: An Exploratory Research
DAY 2 (28th)
12:30-15:00 Session 4 (Chair: Dr. Etsuaki Yoshida)
Dr. Shinsuke Nagaoka
Reconsidering 'Murabaha Syndrome': Despair or Faint Hope for the Futuer of Islamic Economics?
Ali H. Fetais
Liquidity Risk Exposure in Islamic Banks: A Panel Data Analysis
Camilla Nur Azimah
Determinants of Non-Performing Loans in Indonesian and Malaysian Islamic Banks
Kentaro Kambara
Diversification of Malaysian Credit Behavior: Impact of Islamic Pawnbroking, Ar-Rahnu
Oznur Ozdemir
Islamic Tax System and Economic Disruption in the Later Umayyad Period
15:15-17:45 Session 5 (Chair: Dr. Ai Kawamura)
Dr. Etsuaki Yoshida
Fintech-lusion and Macroeconomic Stability from an Islamic Perspective
Muhammad Qareza Qualdi
Finding the Best Model of Inclusive Islamic Financing in Collaborative Economy Era: 'Tap to the Crowd or Stay Traditional?
Lamyae Mensori
Innovative Agriculture Financing Models for Realizing SDGs through Islamic Finance
Yuki Okabe
Confessional Power-Sharing in the Second Republic of Lebanon: A Study of Political Decision-Making
Aoi Mochizuki
Is Syrian Refugee Problem a Humanitarian Tragedy or a Systematic Calamity? A Preliminary Discussion on Refugees' Survivability and Prospective Protection for Them
18:00-18:30 Closing Remarks & End of the Programme
Professor Mehmet Asutay
July 23
Announcement of 1st meeting (2017) of I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam
I-MAZAR: Joint Reserach for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held 1st meeting on July 23.
This meeting was held in cooperation with
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS)
Sophia University Special Grant for Academic Research Program (Research in Priority Areas) "Comparative Area Studies on Conflicts, Interactions, and Reconciliations between Islam and Other Religions Including Christianity"
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Date: July 23, 2017 (Sun.) 12:30-18:15
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: Japanese
12:30-13:30 FUJIWARA Kuniko "Overview of Field Survey in Italy."
13:45-15:15 ISHIKAWA Kido "Elucidation of Poetic Languages in Attar's 'The Conference of the Birds': Using Literary Theory as a Framework"
15:30-17:00 IKEBE Tomoki "Doctrine and Practice of Labor: Community of Senegal-Murid Order 'Baye Fall' "
17:15-18:15 Meeting about Planned Activity for the Current Fiscal Year (seminar, meeting, WOCMES - 5 etc)
July 12
We are happy to announce that the second KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar will be held on July 12, 2018.
This time, our distinguished guest Dr. Thierry Di Costanzo (University of Strasbourg) will speak on how Indian historians, who started the "modern" historical description in British India at the end of the 19th century, treated the so-called Muslim ruling period (13th - 19th centuries) of the Indian subcontinent.
Lemesh Chandra Dutt (1848-1909) is the second Indian higher civil servant in history, a novelist (Bengali), also known as English translator of Hindu epic, politician.
Currently, he is remembered as an economic historian who backed Indian independence struggle theoretically by appealing the decline of Indian handicraft under British colonial rule and "outflow of wealth" from India.
This seminar is a very interesting content of how this Bengali intellectual wearing many hats captured Muslim culture in India as Hindu living in modern times.
Date: July 12, 2017 (Wed.) 16:30-18:00
Venue: Lecture Room 2 (AA415),, 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Title: The Indo-Islamic heritage and early Indian historians: Romesh Chunder Dutt and the "school-boy who knows all about the twelve invasions of Mahmud"
Lecturer: Thierry Di Costanzo (University of Strasbourg, France)
Language: English
Towards the end of the 1880s came the first generation of Indian historians duly trained in the most modern historical techniques. Romesh Chunder Dutt (1845-1909) was a native of Bengal, a Congress president and a high official in the colonial administration. He was the figurehead of a generation of Indian Victorian historians who sought to reconcile the idea of belonging to the Empire and the pride of being Indian. To this end, he invented a specific strategy which was to show the flaws of India in a historical perspective. Only then, Dutt thought, the free future and fast progress of the country could be prepared. However by studying the distant past of his country which was actually a way for him to criticize the system and reject the humiliating assumptions made by hard-core Imperialist historians like Mill and Macaulay, Dutt obliterated the Indo-Islamic heritage. This presentation will shed light on the consistent body of work written by RC Dutt in a critical perspective. Indeed, domesticating historical techniques from the West had the curious effect of avoiding any reference to its Muslim heritage …
July 8
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (Principal Investigator: KOSUGI Yasushi) and Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group (Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University) held a meeting as follows.
Date: July 8, 2017 (Sat.) 14:00-
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: Japanese
14:00-15:45 YOSHIDA Etsuaki (Counselor, Japan Bank for International Cooperation / Specially Appointed Associate Professor, ASAFAS)
The Doctrinal Value of New Islamic Financial Products created by Changes in Information Networking Conditions
16:00-17:45 YSUDA Shin (Lector, Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Economics, Teikyo University)
"Islamic Sensibility" drawn by Halal Tourism: On Data, Information, and Knowledge.
June 23
We held the KIAS-KINDAS Joint Seminar on June 23. This time, our distinguished guest, Prof. Taberez Ahmed Neyaziis, will speak on Deoband Academy (Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband), which is regarded as "Azhar Academy" in South Asia.
The Daobando Academy (founded in 1866) in the northern part of the state of Uttar Pradesh in North India is famous as the headquarters of the so-called "Dao Band School" with a network of madrassas around the world including India and Pakistan.
From the circumstances that all Taliban executives in Afghanistan are educated at the madrassa of "Deoband School" in northern Pakistan, the school is often given an "extremist" image. However, in the past, the Deoband School fought the Indian independence struggle with Gandhi's Indian National Congress sect. Therefore, the facts of the issue are complicated.
In this seminar, we will talk about the story based on the fieldwork, focusing on the latest attempts at various reforms at the Deoband School.
Date: June 23, 2017 (Fry.) 14:45-16:15
Venue: Lecture Room 1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Title: Indian Muslims: Issues, Politics and Beliefs
Lecturer: Prof. Taberez Ahmed Neyazi (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi)
Language: English
This presentation discusses the ways Indian Muslim has been negotiating their religious identity in a secular country. I particularly focus on the role of Darul Uloom (House of Knowledge) Deoband, an influential religious seminary situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India and considered next in standing only to Cairo's Al-Azhar. Darul Uloom Deoband has also been regarded as representative of Indian Muslims, real or imaginary. Such a perception of Deoband has far-reaching consequences as it not only ignores the internal divisions within the Muslim community, but it presents Muslims as one homogenous community with a single command structure. Every move of Deoband has been presented and interpreted by the media as the voice of all Indian Muslims. Despite various progressive stands taken by Deoband on many social issues, it is still viewed as an orthodox institution informed by primordial values, which in turn has become the image of Indian Muslims. Can an orthodox institution simultaneously play moderate and progressive roles? Does Deoband have a progressive vision for the Muslim community? To what extent does Deoband represent Indian Muslims? In this presentation, I discuss the transformation in a supposedly orthodox institution of Islamic learning and how it has been trying to maintain its religious authority in a rapidly changing world.
Lecturer profiles:
Taberez Ahmed Neyaziis an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Culture, Media and Governance at Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New Delhi. He serves as India's Coordinator for "Media Campaigns and Influence in Elections", a collaborative project with colleagues at Emory University, Cleveland State University, Kyoto University and the National University of Singapore. Before moving to JMI, he held fellowships at in several countries including: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow at Kyoto University; German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) fellow at Erfurt University; and held visiting fellowships at the East-West Center in Hawaii and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has contributed to several edited volumes and his articles have appeared in several international refereed journals. His recent books include Democratic Transformation and the Vernacular Public Arena in India (2014, Routledge, London, co-edited with Akio Tanabe & Shinya Ishizaka) and Political Communication and Mobilisation: The Hindi Media in India (2017, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
May 27
Prof. Kagaya Hiroshi received the "Prince Mikasa Academic Award"

Professor Emeritus of Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Hiroshi Kagaya, received the 4th "Prince Mikasa Academic Award" of The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan by "Kagaya Hiroshi" Collection (3 vols.), issued by the Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (2013-15).

A culmination of research on the sphere of Islamic cultures in West Asia and South Asia was awarded.
On Saturday May 27, 2017, the award ceremony was held at the Tenri Hall on the 9th floor of the Tokyo Tenri Building in Kanda, Chiyoda-ku.
Following the award ceremony, the 317th public lecture of The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan was held. Professor Kagaya gave a lecture titled "Significance of Islamic Studies," and Professor Sao Yamane of Osaka University gave a lecture titled "Trends and Future of South Asian and Islamic Studies: Through 'Kagaya Hiroshi' Collection."

May 20-21
The Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies held the first international symposium
The Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University held the first international symposium "Islamic Studies and the Study of Sufism in Academia: Rethinking Methodologies"at Main Conference Room, 3rd floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University.
The center invited 35 leading researchers as speakers who specialize in various regions and areas from Turkey, USA, China and Japan, and the researchers made presentations on Islamic Studies and the study of Sufism. Moreover, fruitful discussions with young researchers were carried out.
→click here for more information
May 16
Announcement of the Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) Lecture "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge : Prof. SUZUKI Tadashi"
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
For the 12th lecture, we have invited Prof. SUZUKI Tadashi to look back on his past research life by giving a lecture entitled "My Reminiscence of Studies in Ottoman History: A Stage of the Way to My Comparative History."
Prof. SUZUKI Tadashi specializes in research of Ottoman history and has garnered numerous prominent achievements as a pioneer in Turkish research in Japan.
The result was "Ottoman Empire: A Flexible Despotism in the 'Islamic world'" (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho); "From Islamic House to Tower of Babel: Integration and Coexistence of Ethnic Groups in the Ottoman Empire" (Libroport); "Ottoman Empire and the Islamic World" (University of Tokyo Press) and others.
In the lecture, we are planning to have him look back his research life during which he confronted Ottoman history for many years from the perspective of comparative history.
Date: May 16, 2017 (Tue.) 18:00-20:00
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
Lecturer: SUZUKI Tadashi (Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo)
Title: My Reminiscence of Studies in Ottoman History: A Stage of the Way to My Comparative History
March 25
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University and Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University held the SIAS-KIAS Joint Workshop "Ideals and Actualities in the Islamic and Christian World" with the cooperation of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS, "Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World" (Principal Investigator: AKAHORI Masayuki) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS, "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex" (Principal Investigator: TONAGA Yasushi) as follows.
Date: March 25, 2017 (Sat.) 13:00-17:10
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: English
13:00-13:20 Opening Session
13:20-13:50 MADONO Kotoko (Kyoto University)
Niyazi-i Misri’s Concept of Wahda al-Wujud and the Prophethood of Hasan and Husayn
13:50-14:20 SUENO Takanori (Kyoto University)
Akbarian Tradition in West Africa: The Case of Ibrahim Niyas
14:20-14:50 YAMAMOTO Saki (Ochanomizu University)
Constructing Women’s Cooperating Space in Post-colonial Algeria: A Case Study from the Movement of a Catholic Community in Kasbah
15:10-15:40 ISHIKAWA Kido (Kyoto University)
‘Defamiliarization’ in `Attar’s Mantiq al-Tayr: The Poetic Language in `Attar’s Work
15:40-16:10 MATSUDA Kazunori (Kyoto University)
Mawlid Writings in 19 Century South Asia: The Case of Shah Ahmad Sa`id Mujaddidi
16:10-16:40 YAMAMOTO Naoki (Kyoto University)
Encyclopedia and Spiritual Journey (al-Sayr wa al-Suluk): A Study of Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumi’s Ma`rifetname
16:40-16:55 General Comment by Ahmed Zildzic (Sarajevo University)
16:55-17:10 Concluding Session
March 4
Announcement of "3-Group Joint Research Meeting"
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University has organized three groups (Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group, Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group, Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group). Each has conducted research activities.
The above three groups jointly held a "3-Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct the following research presentations by each group on March 4.
Date: March 4, 2017 (Sat.) 15:20-18:00
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
15:20-15:30 Opning Remarks
NAGAOKA Shinsuke (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University)
Group 1: Ulama - Sufi Research Group
15:30-16:00 NAKANISHI Tatsuya (Associate Professor, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University)
Ma Dexin and Ibn Arabi's Theory of the Afterlife: Thought Change of Muslims in the 19th Century and Islamic Reform Trends in Western and South Asia.
16:00-16:10 Q & A
Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group
16:10-16:40 KURODA Ayaka (ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Spectrum of Contemporary Islamic Political Thought and the Position of Islamic Centrism: From the Case of Egypt
16:40-16:50 Q & A
Group 3: Islamic Economic Research Group
17:00-17:30 NAGAOKA Shinsuke (Associate Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Economics of Gharar: Risks and Uncertainties in Islamic Economics.
17:30-17:40 Q & A
17:40-18:00 General discussion
TONAGA Yasushi (Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University / Director of Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University)
February 6
As a part of an international exchange, KIAS has continued academic exchanges with the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies. Recently (2016), in the process of developing this exchange, the Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes was formed.

To the HP of Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institutes(AFOMEDI)
January 14
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studies" at Kyoto University and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS, "Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex" (Principal Investigator:TONAGA Yasushi) invited Dr. Thierry Di Costanzo who gave the following lecture on Saturday, January 14.
Date: January 14, 2017 (Sat.) 13:00-15:00
Venue: Lecture Room 2 (AA415), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Lecturer: Prof. Thierry Di Costanzo
(Maitre de conference, Savois dans l'Espace Anglophone Representationes, Culture, Histoire, Strasbourg Cedex)
13:00-14:00 "Beyond the assemblage: a historiographical approach to the 'Idea of Pakistan' in the Aqeel Collection"
14:00-15:00 Q & A
Language: English
November 19
Center for NIHU Program " Modern Middle East Studies " at Kyoto University
Announcement of Research Meeting of Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group
"Crustal Alteration in the Modern Middle East and its View: Looking at the Dynamic Relationship between Politics, Society and Thought"
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (Principal Investigator: KOSUGI Yasushi) and Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group (Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University) held a meeting as follows.
Date: November 19, 2016 (Sat.) 13:00-18:30
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Co-organized by:
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Establishing a New Paradigm of Social/ Human Sciences based on Relational Studies: In order to Overcome Contemporary Global Crises"
Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studie" at National Museum of Ethnology
13:00-13:20 KOSUGI Yasushi (Leader of Group 2: Islamic Moderate Trends Research Group) "Explanation of Purpose"
13:20-14:30 SUECHIKA Kota (Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University)
Revisited "State Transformation and Islam in Contemporary Syria": Syrian Conflict and Meltdown of the Politics in the Middle East.
14:40-15:50 YOKOTA Takayuki (Associate Professor, School of Information and Communication, Meiji University)
Has the Egyptian Islamist Movement come to an End? : Using "Crisis of the Muslim Brotherhood" as a Clue.
16:00-17:00 YAMAO Dai (Associate Professor, Grouduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University)
Governing Islam, Fighting Islam: Thinking about Political Change and Regional Conflict in Post-War Iraq.
17:20-18:30 KURODA Kenji (Research Fellow, Center for NIHU Program "Modern Middle East Studie" at National Museum of Ethnology)
New Development of Martyrdom Culture in Iran: The Syrian Conflict as Sacred Defense.
October 24-25
Announcement of the 7th International Symposium on Islam, Civilization, and Science and Development.
This workshop was held under the auspices of the Center for Hadhari Islamic Civilizational Studies at Kyoto University; the Institute of Islam Hadhari at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS); Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Constructing the Study of Islam Appropriate for the Global Era of the 21st Century" (JSPS, Kyoto University) and Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU), scheduled as follows.
Date: 9:30-18:30 on 24th, 8:30-18:00 on 25th October
Venue: Kyoto University Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Meting Room
Day 1 (24 October)
9:30-10:00 Opening Ceremony
10:30-11:30 Keynote Speech
Prof. Dr. Yasushi KOSUGI
Civilizational Islam and Global Hadhari Network: The Mission Statement
Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Yusof Hj. Othman
Empowerment Of Islamic Civilization In Postmodernity
11:30-12:00 Invited Speech I
Prof. Dato' Noor Aziah Mohd Awal
Children's Rights: How Far Malaysia Conform to CRC?
14:00-16:00 Session 1
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamaruddin Salleh
Impacts of Recent Tension on the Relationship: Buddhist and Muslim Point of View
From Conferences to Substantial Cooperation: A Study on the Historical Development of OIC
Rozita Ibrahim
Livelihood Vulnerability and Community Resilience During Flood Season: The Case of Orang Asli at Tasik Chini, Pahang
Ar-Rahnu-based Financial Renovation in Malaysian Microcredit System
Tengku Maaidah Tengku A Razak
Why Using CIPP Model for Evaluating A Program?: A Critical Analysis
16:10-18:30 Session 2
Ros Maimunah Yahya Zikri
Astrofiqh Implementation in Ibadah through Technologies
Prof. Dr. Abdul Latif Samian
The Nature of Shari`ah-Compliant Problems (SCP)
Prototype of Islamic Finance Disputes Resolution System: Malaysia Model or Dubai Approach
Dr. A'dawiyah Ismail
Harmonious Families Create Exemplary Families in Malaysia
Structure of Waqf Revitalization in Malaysia: Convergence or Divergence?
Nursafraa Aziz
Waqaf as an Instrument for the Sustainability of Agriculture Sector in Malaysia: A Proposal of National Agriculture Waqaf Fund (NAWAF)
Day 2 (October 25)
8:30-9:00 Invited Speech II
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shinsuke NAGAOKA
Creating a New Economic Paradigm from Islamic Economic Knowledge
9:00-11:00 Session 3
Rosilawati Mohd Hanapi
Discussing On How To Incorporate Values To Peopleware Decision
Islamic Cosmopolitanism: An Important Contribution by Afghanistan Diaspora Intellectual Mohammad Hashim Kamali
Siti Masliah Mohd Nuri
Parents Role in Adopting Social Values towards Malay Children According to the al-Quran and al-Sunnah
Mohammad Ikhwan Ismail
Religious Life Among Death Row Inmate In Malaysia
The Palestinian Refugee Problem in the Confessional Politics of Lebanon
11:00-12:20 Session 4
Wan Aishah Wan Mohd Nowalid
Manager's Role in Developing Employees Career with Proactive Behaviour: Islamic Institution in Malaysia.
Mohammad Husni b Ali@Buraidah
A Review Based on to What Extend Commissioning Speaker (JAIS) Selection Meeting the Accreditation Category
Hiroyuki SHIOMI
The Expansion of Iran's "Ummah Politics": The Case of "al-Quds Day" in Tehran
Dr. Indriyaty Ismail & Maryam Habibah Kamis
Nawal El Saadawi's Perspectives on the Mutilation of Female's Genitals
14:00-15:00 Poster presentation
Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Jawiah Dakir
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mashitoh Yaacob
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fariza Md. Sham
Dr. Muhammad Hilmi Jalil
Dr. Ibrahim N. Hassan
Maafi Husin
Zubaidah Mohd Nasir
W. Syairah Hazwani W.Petera
15:00-17:40 Session 5
Nurshahira Ibrahim
Transformational Leadership Style as A Trigger to Enhancing Employee's Commitment: Islamic Organizations in Malaysia
Soichiro TAKAGI
Islamic International Law and Global Jihad
Tengku Radziatan Mardziiah Tengku A Razak
Maqasid Syariyyah in Charity Fund Allocation of Islamic Relief Malaysia
Mutual Assistance through Islamic Traditional Institutions: Reconsidering the Various Roles of Zakat in Contemporary Indonesia
Aulia Rahman Zulkarnain
Integration Of Naqli And Aqli By Implementing Islamic Values In Stem Education
Nurliana binti Mohd. Hassan
Work-Life Balance: A Concern on Efficiency and Effectiveness of Job Role and Employee's Engagement towards Organizational Goal
Nor'Ain Abdullah
Effect of Mentoring Function on Mentees' Career Outcome From an Islamic Perspective
17:40-18:00 Closing Ceremony
October 11
The Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) held the seminar "The Diversity of Indonesian Islamic Manuscripts" by Dr. Oman Fathurahman. The details are as follows.
This seminar is held by
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and NIHU Project "Area Studies for the Modern Middle East", Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism-Tariqa-Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS), and Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies.
Date: 11 October 2016, Tuesday, 16:30-18:30
Venue: Kyoto University Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Meting Room (AA447)
Speaker: Dr. Oman Fathurahman
Title: The Diversity of Indonesian Islamic Manuscripts
Language: English
July 9
Announcement of 1st meeting (2016) of I-MAZAR: Joint Research for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam
I-MAZAR: Joint Research for Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam held its first meeting on Saturday, July 9.
This time we asked Prof. ARAI Kazuhiro (Keio University) to present research on the situation of Arab saints in Indonesia.
This meeting was held in cooperation with
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Sophia University
Center for "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism.Tariqa.Saint Cults Complex (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS)
Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS)
Sophia University Special Grant for Academic Research Program (Research in Priority Areas) "Comparative Area Studies on Conflicts, Interactions, and Reconciliations between Islam and Other Religions Including Christianity"
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Date: July 9, 2016 (Sat.) 15:30-17:30
Venue: Room No. 2-603, 6th Floor, Building No.2, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University
Lecturer: Prof. ARAI Kazuhiro
Title: Current Relationship between the Arabian Peninsula and Indonesia through the Saints: From the Saints Festival in 2014 to 15 years and the Month of Mawlid.
Language: Japanese
April 28
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) invited Dr. Ahmad Najib BURHANI from Indonesia and held a lecture as part of the NIHU core research project "Modern Middle East Studies" that began in April, as follows.
Date: April 28, 2016 (Thu.) 15:30-17:30
Venue: Lecture Room 1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Lecturer: Dr. Ahmad Najib BURHANI
Title: "Other Islam: The Search for a Model of Islam Beyond the Middle East"
Language: English
February 16
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) held the Fifth Joint Seminar of KIAS/ASAFAS/IMS, "Area Studies and Area Informatics in the Mediterranean World."
This seminar is held under the auspices of Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University and Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies.
Date: 16 February 2016, Tue, 13:00-17:45
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA447)
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: English
Opening Session (13:00-13:20)
Chair: IMAMATSU Yasushi (Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
TONAGA Yasushi (Director, Center for Islamic Area Studies) "Welcome Speech"
YOON, Yong-Soo (Director, Institute for Mediterranean Studies) "Greeting Speech"
Session 1 (13:20-14:50)
Chair: NAGAOKA Shinsuke (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
FUJII Chiaki (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Asian and Area Studies)
"The Growing Islamic Movement off the East African Coast"
HA, Byung Joo (Professor, Department of Arabic, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
"The specific gravity of Middle East in the Mediterrean Studies of Korea, 2000 - 2015"
CHOI, Choon Sik (Professor, Department of French, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
"The specific gravity of Europe in the Mediterrean Studies of Korea, 2000 - 2015"
Session 2 (15:00-16:30)
Chair: HAH, Byung Joo
YAMAMOTO Kensuke (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Asian and Area Studies)
"Dispute over Sacred Sites in Contested Jerusalem: The Role of Islamic Movement in Israel"
CHANG, Nina (HK Research Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies)
"A Study on Developing a Model for Integrating Language and Culture for the Muslim immigrants in France through Immigration Policy"
WATANABE Shun (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Asian and Area Studies)
"Jordan as a Modern Hybrid Monarchy: A Case of the Mashriq Kingdom"
Session 3 (16:40-18:10)
Chair: CHOI, Choon Sik
KANG, Jihoon (HK Research Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies)
"Construction of Digital Humanities System for Academic Researches: Focused on 'MECA' of Institute for Mediterranian Studies"
HARA Shoichiro (Director, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University)
"Information Infrastructure to accumulate, link and use "Knowledge of Area""
MOON, Sang Ho (Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
"Case Study in Digital humanities"
Closing Session (18:10-18:25)
Chair: TONAGA Yasushi
KOSUGI Yasushi "Closing Remarks"
February 10
WIAS/KIAS Seminar - Ayatollah Etemadi in Japan
WIAS and KIAS held a seminar featuring visiting Ayatollah Amir Seyyed Hasan Etemadi on February 10th (Wed) 2016 at Kyoto University main campus, research building #2. This event is co-sponsored by a JSPS research project (Keiko Sakurai, Director).
Date: February 10th (Wed) 2016, 14:00-16:00
Venue: Kyoto University main campus, Research building #2, Room #AA401.
Lecturer: Ayatollah Amir Seyyed Hasan Etemadi (Director, Madrase-ye Dar-ol-Elm-e Eslami-ye Kashan)
Title: The Instructors and Methodologies of Advanced Law Courses at Qom Madrasa: Improvements and Future Prospects
Language: Persian (with Japanese interpreting)
February 6
Announcement of the Center for the Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) Lecture "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge : Prof. MIYAJI Mieko"
KIAS has held interviews with foreign researchers and lectures by Japanese researchers, entitled "Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge."
For the 11th lecture, we invited Prof. MIYAJI Mieko to look back on her past research life by giving a lecture entitled "Maghrib Study and Cultural Anthropology: From Encounters with Women."
An attempt to study the Middle Eastern region from the point of anthropology started in the latter half of the 1960s in Japan. Prof. MIYAJI Mieko specializes in the research of North African society and culture and has studied the Maghrib regions such as Algeria and Tunisia, in addition to the West Mediterranean Region including France as a pioneer in Japan.
The result was "Diaspora in the Middle East/North Africa" (edited and written), translation of Ernest Gellner's "Muslim society," and Germaine Tillion's "Le Harem et les cousins" and others.
Date: February 6, 2016 (Sat.) 16:00-18:00
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
Lecturer: MIYAJI Mieko (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo International University)
Title: Maghrib Study and Cultural Anthropology: From Encounters with Women
February 5
Announcement of the KIAS 3-Group Joint Research Meeting "International Organization and Global Network of the Islamic world"
Center for NIHU Program "Islamic Area Studies" at Kyoto University has organized three groups (Group 1: International Relations Research Group (including International Organizations and Information Networks), Group 2: Wide Range Tariqa Research Group, Group 3: Islamic Economic and Islamic Law Research Group) and each conducted research activities.
The above three groups jointly held a "3- Group Joint Research Meeting" to conduct research presentations by each group on February 5 as follows.
Date: February 5, 2016 (Fri.) 15:30-18:50
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University
(Building no.34 on the map)
February 1
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and IAS Center at Sophia University (SIAS) held the Third SIAS / KIAS - CNRS International Joint Seminar, "TRADITION AND TRANSFORMATION IN THE PAST AND PRESENT."。
This workshop is held under the auspices of Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), IAS Center at Sophia University (SIAS), Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) and General Reserach on the Publication and Transmission of Islamic Books in the South Asian Languages (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS: TONAGA Yasushi, Kyoto University)
Date: 1 February 2016, Mon, 10:00-15:40
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA447)
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: English
10:00-10:20 Opening Session
10:20-10:50 ISHIKAWA Kido (Kyoto University)
The Comparative Study on Parables of Birds between `Attar and Predecessors
10:50-11:20 YAMAMOTO Naoki (Kyoto University)
Duality without Conflict: A Multiplex Interpretation of Islam According to `Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi
11:20-11:50 KONDO Fumiya (Sophia University)
The Egyptian Mawlid Observed in 19th-Century British People: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
13:00-13:30 YAMAZAKI Satoru (Kyoto University)
Social Organization of Arab Alevis in Contemporary Turkey: A Case Study of EHDAV in Antakya, Hatay
13:30-14:00 SAITO Akiko (Sophia University)
Tribal Policy and its Transformation in Libya under the Qadhafi Regime
14:00-14:30 Antony SUSAIRAJ (Sophia University)
Vivekananda’s Understanding of Islam: Its Implications on His Idea of Universal Religion
14:30-15:00 FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Kyoto University)
Islamic Religious Practices Involving Trees: A Case Study of Olive Trees in Contemporary Tunisia
15:10-15:30 General Comments
15:30-15:40 Concluding Session
January 31
The Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and IAS Center at Sophia University (SIAS) held the third SIAS/KIAS-CNRS International Joint Seminar "Sufism, Saint Veneration and Tariqa Movements in the Islamic World."
This seminar is held under the auspices of Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), IAS Center at Sophia University (SIAS), Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) and General Reserach on the Publication and Transmission of Islamic Books in the South Asian Languages (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS).
Date: 31 January 2016, Sun, 13:00-18:00
Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Conference Room (AA447)
(Building no.34 on the map)
Language: English
13:00-13:20 Opening Remarks
13:20-14:00 Quentin GIROUD (CNRS)
Zikr and Sema Rituals of the Contemporary U??aki-Halveti Sufi Order of Turkey
14:00-14:40 Kie INOUE (Tokyo University)
Ruzbihan Baqli Shirazi's Theory of Love
14:55-15:35 Rachida CHIH (CNRS)
Sufism in the Early Modern Period: Ahmad al-Qushshashi (d. 1661) and the "Medinese School"
15:35-16:15 Daisuke MARUYAMA (National Defense Academy of Japan)
Meaning of Wasita (Intermediary): Different Interpretations between Sufis and Salafis in Contemporary Sudan
16:30-17:10 Thierry ZARCONE (CNRS)
Visual hagiography in Northern Africa: The case of Ahmad al-Tijani
17:10-17:40 Discussion
17:40-18:00 Closing Remarks