KIAS/ダーラム大学Durham Islamic Finance Doctoral Training Centre (SGIA&DBS)共催国際WS
(2012年7月17-18日 於ダーラム大学)
タイトル:6th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance (New Horizons in Islamic Economics) Islamic Finance & Economy and Finance in the Muslim World: Theories and Realities
場所:Durham Islamic Finance Doctoral Training Centre, Van Mildert College, Durham University, UK
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University, KIAS, Japan;
Durham Islamic Finance Doctoral Training Centre (SGIA&DBS) Durham University, UK
[17th July 2012]
09:30 - 09:45 Opening Remarks
Dr Mehmet Asutay
Dr Shinsuke Nagaoka
09:45 - 10:45 Session I
1.1. What is 'Islamic' in Islamic Economics?: The Technology of Social Management and its Reinstitution
Yasushi Kosugi
1.2. Models of Islamic Finance Industry Formation and Their Impact on Social and Developmentalist Outcomes
Mehmet Asutay
11:00 - 12:30 Session II
2.1. Outreach and Sustainability of Islamic Microfinance Institutions in Thailand: An Exploratory Study
Tawat Noipom
2.2. Understanding the Demand and Supply Conditions of Sharia Banking in the Case of Indonesia
Muhammad Arham
2.3. Assessing the Demand for Islamic Finance in Libya
Abdulwahab AlHajam
14:00 - 15:30 Session III
3.1. An Emerging Mode of Dispute Resolution in Islamic Finance: A Case Study in the United Arab Emirates
Ai Kawamura
3.2. Islamic Microfinance: Exploring Customer Behaviours and Perceptions Indonesia
Nur Indah Riwajanti
3.3. A Meta-Frontier Form for Measuring the Technical Efficiency and Technology Gaps of Islamic and Conventional Banks in the GCC Countries and What Factors Determine the Banks' Efficiency
Maha Alandejani
16:00 - 17:30 Session IV
4.1. Exploring the Application of Total Quality Management in the Libyan Oil and Gas Companies: Potential, Obstacles and Solutions
Musbah Saleh
4.2. Political Economy of Syrian Economic Reforms: An Examination of Legal Reforms in the Pre-Revolution of 2011
Muhammad Alsaghir
4.3. Addressing the Potential Negative Social Effects of the Privatization Programme in Libya
Hesham Shernana
17:45 - 19:15 Session V
5.1. Comparing CSR Models and Rationalising CSR in Islamic Finance
Elena Platonova
5.2. An Analysis on the Behavior of Corporate Social Responsibility towards Profitability of Islamic Banks: Comparative Analysis between Turkey and Indonesia
Akhmad Affandi Mahfudz
5.3. From Joseph's Shattered Dream to the Nightmares of the Future: Reflecting on the Financial Crisis
Anisa Maljee
[18th July 2012]
09:00 - 10:00 Session VI
6.1. Islamic Mutual Funds in the UK
Habib Ahmad
6.2. The Future of Islamic Development Theory: Endogenising the Political and the Social in Policy Making
Nazim Zaman and Hylmun Izhar
10:30 - 11:30 Session VII
7.1. Causation of Shari'ah Governance: The Discourse on the Institution of Hisbah vs. the Discourse on Islamic Finance Industry
Fawad Khaleli
7.2. Locating the Islamic Moral Economy within the Heterodox Economics: Convergence of the Economics Thinking
Alija Avdukic
7.3. Financing and Economic Development through Islamic Banking: Rhetoric vs Reality
Shafiullah Jan
12:00 - 13.30 Session VIII
8.1. Reconsidering the Economic Implication of Gharar in Islamic Derivatives
Shinsuke NAGAOKA
8.2. Consequentialism at the Core of the Islamic Law of Financial Transactions: Illustrating the Centric Role of Maqasid Al Shariah through the Mudarabah Contract
Tareq Hesham
8.3. Investigating the Element of Uncertainty in Contract Settlement: A Case Study of the Malaysian Crude Palm Oil Futures Contract Regulatory Framework
Noor Kasri
14:30 - 16:00 Session IX
9.1. Islamic Values and the Modern Territorial State: Refugees and Trans-border Mobility
Marie Sato
9.2. Giving Behaviours in Indonesia: Motives and Marketing Implications for Islamic Charities
Rahmatina A. Kasri
9.3. Comparison between Conventional and Islamic MFIs' Management Performance Using Balanced Scorecard Approach in Indonesia
Dian Masyita
16:15 - 18:15 Session X
10.1. A Study on Customer Satisfaction and Bank Selection in Interest-Free Banking Sector: Evidence from Turkey
Saduman Okumus
10.2. A Exploring the Concept of an Inclusive Islamic Financial Planning Framework, and Its Challenges in Brunei Darussalam
Hasnol Salleh
10.3. Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Banking in Malaysia Based on Customers' Awareness and Service Quality
Ros Aniza Mohd Shariff
10.4. Searching for the Determinants of Financing Gap in the GCC Islamic Banking
Sabri Muhammad
18.15 Closing Remarks & End of the Programme

イスラーム金融の商業実践の現状が、イスラーム経済学(Islamic economics)が本来想定してきた理念と著しく乖離した形で発展してきているという問題点は、すでに過去5回のワークショップで多くの参加者に共有された点であったが、今回のワークショップでは、そのような現状の改善に対してアカデミズムがいかに貢献しうるかが多くの発表で議論された。例えば、ワークショップの開催委員の1人であるMehmet Asutay氏(ダラム大学イスラーム金融センター長)は、イスラーム金融の現状の発展の類型を3つ掲げ(湾岸型、マレーシア型、インドネシア型)、ムスリム地域社会の需要に応じた形でサービスが開発・提供されているインドネシア型のイスラーム金融が、今後のイスラーム金融の望ましい発展に対して、多くの示唆を与えているとの議論を展開した。また、Alija Avdukic氏(ダラム大学院生)は、経済学史における周縁学派の系譜を概観し、世界的にはまだ少数派であるイスラーム経済学が周縁学派を乗り越えるためにはいかなる戦略が必要かを論じ、イスラーム経済学の位置づけのあり方をめぐって活発な議論が交わされた。