├ Welcome to KIAS
└ About "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East"
├ 1. Main Theme
├ 2. Partner Research Institutions
├ 3. Network Building and Management
├ 4. KIAS Research Theme and Activities
├ 5. Fostering International Cooperation and Building...
├ 6. Enhancement of University Education
├ 7. Disseminating Research Achievements to the International Society
└ 8. Training Researchers
・Ulama-Sufi Research Group└ About "NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East"
├ 1. Main Theme
├ 2. Partner Research Institutions
├ 3. Network Building and Management
├ 4. KIAS Research Theme and Activities
├ 5. Fostering International Cooperation and Building...
├ 6. Enhancement of University Education
├ 7. Disseminating Research Achievements to the International Society
└ 8. Training Researchers
・Islamic Moderate Trend Research Group
・Islamic Economy Research Group
├ Director of the Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University
├ Deputy Director of the Center
├ Steering Committee of the Center
├ Project Members of the Center
├ Project Manager of the NIHU Area Studies Project for the "Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
├ Co-Researchers of the NIHU Area Studies Project
└ Research Collaborators of the NIHU Area Studies Project
・Publications├ Deputy Director of the Center
├ Steering Committee of the Center
├ Project Members of the Center
├ Project Manager of the NIHU Area Studies Project for the "Modern Middle East" at Kyoto University
├ Co-Researchers of the NIHU Area Studies Project
└ Research Collaborators of the NIHU Area Studies Project
├ KIAS Bulletin
│ ├ Vol.11
│ ├ Vol.10
│ ├ Vol.9
│ ├ Vol.8
│ ├ Vol.7
│ ├ Vol.6
│ ├ Vol.5 No.1-2
│ ├ Vol.4 No.1-2
│ ├ Vol.3 No.2
│ ├ Vol.3 No.1
│ ├ Vol.2 No.2
│ ├ Vol.2 No.1
│ ├ Vol.1 No.2
│ └ Vol.1 No.1
├ KIAS Publications
│ └ Kyoto Series of Islamic Area Studies
│ ├ No.1
│ ├ No.2
│ ├ No.3
│ ├ No.4
│ ├ No.5
│ ├ No.6
│ ├ No.7
│ ├ No.8
│ ├ No.9
│ ├ No.10
│ ├ No.11
│ └ No.12
├ KIAS Related Publications
│ ├ Turath al-Fikr al-Siyasi al-Islami
│ ├ Mudawwanah Sihafah Suriyah
│ ├ Mudawwanah Sihafah Lubnan
│ ├ Mudawwanah Sihafah al-Jazirah al-`Arabiyah
│ └ CD-ROM al-manar, 1898-1935
├ Publications of KIAS Members
│ ├ The Splendor of Islamic Mysticism
│ ├ Islam and Sufism: Mysticism, Saint Veneration, and Ethics
│ ├ Sufi: Islamic Mystics
│ ├ Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam
│ ├ The Perception of Islam
│ ├ Reading Islam: Muslims Living with the Quran
│ ├ Islamic Politics after 9.11
│ ├ The Islamic World: Heritage, Rebirth and Contemporary Dynamics
│ ├ The Turkish Model: Reality and Applicability
│ ├ Orta Doğu barışı için Türk Japon İşbirliği
│ ├ Islamism and Politics in the Middle East
│ ├ Introduction to Comparative Politics
│ ├ Trends in Islamic Fundamentalism: The Muslim Brotherhood
│ ├ Politics of State Building in Post-war Iraq
│ ├ Threat of "Islamic State" and Iraq
│ └ Contemporary Arab Media
└ KIAS Related Databases
├ Urdu Works of Abu al-A`la Maududi: An Annotated Bibliography
├ Database of Japanese Translations and Researchs of
Middle Eastern Contemporary Literature
└ Aqeel Collection Database
・Activities│ ├ Vol.11
│ ├ Vol.10
│ ├ Vol.9
│ ├ Vol.8
│ ├ Vol.7
│ ├ Vol.6
│ ├ Vol.5 No.1-2
│ ├ Vol.4 No.1-2
│ ├ Vol.3 No.2
│ ├ Vol.3 No.1
│ ├ Vol.2 No.2
│ ├ Vol.2 No.1
│ ├ Vol.1 No.2
│ └ Vol.1 No.1
├ KIAS Publications
│ └ Kyoto Series of Islamic Area Studies
│ ├ No.1
│ ├ No.2
│ ├ No.3
│ ├ No.4
│ ├ No.5
│ ├ No.6
│ ├ No.7
│ ├ No.8
│ ├ No.9
│ ├ No.10
│ ├ No.11
│ └ No.12
├ KIAS Related Publications
│ ├ Turath al-Fikr al-Siyasi al-Islami
│ ├ Mudawwanah Sihafah Suriyah
│ ├ Mudawwanah Sihafah Lubnan
│ ├ Mudawwanah Sihafah al-Jazirah al-`Arabiyah
│ └ CD-ROM al-manar, 1898-1935
├ Publications of KIAS Members
│ ├ The Splendor of Islamic Mysticism
│ ├ Islam and Sufism: Mysticism, Saint Veneration, and Ethics
│ ├ Sufi: Islamic Mystics
│ ├ Sufism and Saint Veneration in Islam
│ ├ The Perception of Islam
│ ├ Reading Islam: Muslims Living with the Quran
│ ├ Islamic Politics after 9.11
│ ├ The Islamic World: Heritage, Rebirth and Contemporary Dynamics
│ ├ The Turkish Model: Reality and Applicability
│ ├ Orta Doğu barışı için Türk Japon İşbirliği
│ ├ Islamism and Politics in the Middle East
│ ├ Introduction to Comparative Politics
│ ├ Trends in Islamic Fundamentalism: The Muslim Brotherhood
│ ├ Politics of State Building in Post-war Iraq
│ ├ Threat of "Islamic State" and Iraq
│ └ Contemporary Arab Media
└ KIAS Related Databases
├ Urdu Works of Abu al-A`la Maududi: An Annotated Bibliography
├ Database of Japanese Translations and Researchs of
Middle Eastern Contemporary Literature
└ Aqeel Collection Database