We introduce publications of research institutes and research projects in Kyoto University in cooperation with KAIS

Turath al-Fikr al-Siyasi al-Islami
(The Legacy of Islamic Political Thought: The Original Arabic Text Collections)
KOSUGI Yasushi, Yusuf Ibish
(Published in 2005, 10 + 948p.)

Mudawwanah Sihafah Suriyah
(The Catalog of Syrian Periodicals)
Yusuf Khuri
(Published in 2005, 368p.)
Out of Stock.

Mudawwanah Sihafah Lubnan
(The Catalog of Periodicals of the Countries of the Arabian Peninsula)
Yusuf Khuri
(Published in 2004, 512p.)

Mudawwanah Sihafah al-Jazirah al-`Arabiyah
(The Catalog of Periodicals in Arabian Peninsula)
Yusuf Khuri
(Published in 2003, 320p.)
Out of Stock.

CD-ROM al-manar, 1898-1935
KOSUGI Yasushi (ed)
(Published in 2003, 5vols.)
Out of Stock.