写真:広河隆一. 参考資料:広河隆一監督作品 記録映画「パレスチナ1948・NAKBA」 |
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Name: Rosemary (Boxer) Sayigh Nationality: British, Lebanese Date of birth: 04/15/1927 Higher education: *PhD in Social Anthropology, The University of Hull (UK), 1994, with a dissertation on "Palestinian Camp Women's Narratives of Exile: 'Self', Gender, and National Crisis". *MA in Sociology and Anthropology, American University of Beirut (1976). Thesis topic: "The Palestinian Experience as Socialization". *BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature, Oxford University (1948). Languages: English, French, Arabic. Honors and Awards: *A two-year study grant from the Diana Tamari Sabbagh Foundation to record Palestinian women's life stories in five regions of the diaspora (December 1996). *A post-doctoral research fellowship at the Center for Behavioral Research, American University of Beirut (February 1995 to February 1996.) *A study grant from the Institute for Arab Studies, Boston, 1981. Work: *From September 2007 to June 2008, Visiting Lecturer with the Centre for Arab and Middle East Studies, the American University of Beirut. *From January to end June 2006, Visiting Professor at the Institute of Women's Studies, Birzeit University, West Bank Palestine. *From July 2002 to July 2003, guest editor of the 100th issue of Al-Raida (published by the Institute for the Study of Women in the Arab World, Lebanese American University, Beirut). *From January 2001 to April 2002, guest editor of a special issue of Al-Jana magazine on Palestinian oral history, published by the Arab Resource Centre for Popular Arts (ARCPA), Beirut. *From September 2000, participant in the editorial board set up by FAFO (Norway) to study the effects on the refugees of UNRWA's declining budget through a series of commissioned papers and workshops. *June to September 1998, guest editor of a special issue of Al-Raida magazine celebrating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute for the Study of Women in the Arab World (LAU). *1995: Part-time lecturer in the Department of Social and Behavioral Studies, American University of Beirut. Developed a course in Oral History, with training in doing fieldwork, the writing of research papers and use of EAP (English for Academic Purposes). *1983-1993: Carried out fieldwork in a Palestinian community near Beirut, using participant observation and oral history methods. This was the basis of my doctoral dissertation (see above). During the same period I wrote and published an oral history of Shateela camp (see under Publications). *1981-82: Part-time lecturer in the Department of Social and Behavioral Studies, American University of Beirut. *1979 (May to September): Senior Social Affairs Officer (grade P5), with ESCWA (the Economic and Social Commission for West Asia), to research and report on the situation of women in the ESCWA region in preparation for the first conference of the UN Decade for Women. *1966-70: Middle East correspondent in Beirut for The Economist (London). *1964/5: correspondent in Kuwait for The Economist and The Financial Times. *1957-59: Editor of Middle East Forum (Beirut). *1956/7: Lecturer in English, Beirut College for Women. *1951-53: Teacher in the English Department at the Queen Aliyah College, Baghdad. Selected Publications: i) Books: *Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries (London: Zed Books, 1979). (Selected by Choice as one of their Outstanding Academic Books for 1979.) *Too Many Enemies: The Palestinian Experience in Lebanon (London: Zed Books, 1994). *Voices: Palestinian Women Narrate Displacement (2008), a multi-media eBook, in collaboration with Borre Ludvigsen (webmaster), Leena Saraste (photographer), and Susanne Olsen (lay-out designer): http://almashriq.hiof.no/voices/ ii) Journal papers, chapters in books: *"The Palestinian Identity Among Camp Residents", Journal of Palestine Studies, vol Vl no 3, Spring 1977. *"Sources of Palestinian Nationalism", JPS, vol Vl no 4, Summer 1977. *"The Struggle for Survival: Economic Conditions of Palestinian Camp Residents in Lebanon", JPS, vol Vll no 2, Winter 1978. *"Daily Life of Palestinian Women in Camps", Spare Rib (UK), January 1978. *"The Palestinian Experience: Integration and Non-Integration in the Arab Ghourba", Arab Studies Quarterly, vol 1 no 2, 1979. *"Encounters with Palestinian Women under Occupation", JPS, vol X no 4, Summer 1981 (reprinted in N. Aruri, Occupation: Israel Over Palestine [Belmont MA: AAUG Press, 1983]; and in E. Fernea ed., Women and the Family in the Middle East: New Voices of Change[Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985]). *"Roles and Functions of Arab Women: A Critique", Arab Studies Quarterly, Summer 1981. *"Palestine", contribution to a symposium "Women in Struggle" edited by Miranda Davies, Third World Quarterly, vol 5 no 4, October 1983. *"The Mukhabarat State: Testimony of a Palestinian Woman Prisoner", Race and Class, vol XXVl no 2, Autumn 1984. *"Between Two Fires: Palestinian Women in Lebanon", with Julie Peteet, in Rosemary Ridd and Helen Callaway eds., Caught Up in Conflict: Women's Responses to Political Strife (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1986). *"Femmes palestiniennes: une histoire en quete d'historiens", Revue d'etudes Palestiniennes, no 23, spring 1987. *"Palestinian women: triple burden, single struggle", Peuples Mediterraneens, no 44-45, July-December 1988. *"Palestinians in Lebanon: Status Ambiguity, Insecurity and Flux", in Michael Marrus and Anna Bramwell eds., Refugees in the Age of Total War. London: Unwin Hyman, 1988. *"Palestinian Women, A Case of Neglect", Introduction to Orayb Najjar, Portraits of Palestinian Women. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1992. *"Palestinian Women and Politics in Lebanon", in Judith Tucker ed., Arab Women: Old Boundaries, New Frontiers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993. *"Palestinians in Lebanon: Uncertain Future" in Deirdre Collings ed. Peace for Lebanon ? From War to Reconstruction. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994. *"Pour les refugies palestiniens l'avenir est comme une 'chambre noire'", Le Monde Diplomatique, octobre 1994. *"Palestinians in Lebanon: (dis)solution of the refugee problem", special issue 'Palestine: Diplomacies of Defeat', Race and Class, vol 37 no 2, October-December 1995. *"Palestinians in Lebanon: Harsh Present, Uncertain Future", JPS, vol XXV no 1, no 97, Autumn 1995. *"Researching Gender in a Palestinian Camp: Political, Theoretical and Methodological Issues", in Deniz Kandiyoti ed. Gendering the Middle East: Emerging Perspectives. London: I.B. Tauris 1996. *"Engendered Exile: Palestinian Camp Women Tell Their Lives ", Oral History, vol 25, no 2, Autumn 1997. *"Gender, Sexuality and Class in National Narrations: Palestinian Camp Women Tell Their Lives", Frontiers, vol XlX, no 2, 1998. Republished in Women's Oral History: The Frontiers Reader, University of Nebraska Press, 2002. *"Palestinian Camp Women as Tellers of History", JPS, vol XXVll, no 2, Winter 1998. *"Gendering the 'Nationalist Subject': Palestinian Camp Women's Life Stories ", Subaltern Studies X. New Delhi: OUP, 1999. *"The Gendering of Exile: Palestinian Women and Labour in Lebanon" in Najla Hamadeh and Jean Makdisi eds, Al-Muwatiniyya fi Lubnan beyn ar-Rajul wa al-Mar'a Beirut: Dar al-Jadid, 2000. *"Representions of the 'Self' as History: Palestinian Refugee Women's Life Stories", in Crossroads of History: Experience, Memory, Orality (book and conference), Xlth International Oral History Association, Istanbul, June 2001. *"Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Implantation, Transfer or Return?" The Journal of Middle East Policy, vol Vlll (1), March 2001. *"Remembering Mothers, Forming Daughters" chapter in Ronit Lentin and Nahla Abdo eds., Dissemi-Nation: Narrating Palestinian/ Israeli Gendered Auto/Biographies of Dis-Location, Oxford and New York: Bergahn Books 2002. *"A House is Not a Home:Permanent Impermanence of Habitat for Palestinian Expulsees in Lebanon" Journal of Holy Land Studies, vol 4 (1) May 2005. *"Back to the Center: Post-Oslo Revival of the Refugee Issue" in Joel Beinen and Rebecca Stein eds (2006) The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005. Stanford: Stanford University Press. *"Women's Nakba Stories: Between Living and Knowing" in Ahmad H. Sa'di and Lila Abu-Lughod eds., (2007) Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory. New York: Columbia University Press. *"Product and Producer of Palestinian History: Stereotypes of 'Self' in Camp Women's Life Stories" (2007) Journal of Middle Eastern Women, Vol 3 (1), winter. *"Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries' a Quarter of a Century On" in Roger Heacock ed., Palestine: History, Identity and Territoriality, Birzeit and Beirut: Birzeit University Press and Institut francais du Proche-Orient (forthcoming). *Occasional articles and book reviews in: Middle East International, Middle East Report (MERIP), Journal of Palestinian Studies, Afrique/Asie, Al-Ahram Weekly. |
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